
Who are the lords?

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the house of lords....

who are the lords?

im in my ict lesson and i need to find out pleaseee





  1. They are (apparently) the great and the good, in reality we'll be talking about new lamps for old (re the Lords phoning the police to investigate exPM Blair) and unconvicted murderer, Lord Archer.

  2. The only part of parliament that give a stuff about democracy.

  3. The House of Lords was traditionally comprised of hereditary Lords ( Earls, Dukes, Barons etc) and also senior Clergy. Although, I think heridary Lords are no longer allowed to sit in the Lords. These have pretty much been replaced by those who have been made Lords as a result of political patronage, or services to industry, commerce, public service etc.

    Legal Appeals to the House of Lords are no longer heard or debated by all HoL members, just those who also members of the judiciary.

  4. Flatbush
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