
Who are the main charters in the story "Let the circle be unbroken"

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Who are the main charters in the story "Let the circle be unbroken"




  1. Main Characters

    David Logan (Papa), a man of strong character, hard-

    working, a leader; father of four children; one of the few

    African Americans to own land at this time in Mississippi.

    Mary Logan (Mama), his wife and the children’s

    mother; tall, thin, beautiful; a teacher; fired for organizing a boycott against a plantation store.

    Stacey Logan, the oldest Logan child; age 13; a serious

    boy ready to take on adult responsibilities.

    Cassie Logan, the only girl in the Logan family; in fifth

    grade; headstrong, sensitive, intelligent, caring.

    Christopher-John Logan, the third Logan child; in

    third grade; chubby; doesn’t always agree with his big

    sister but follows along nonetheless.

    Clayton Chester Logan (Little Man), the youngest

    Logan child; in second grade; rational thinker, clean

    and neat.

    Big Ma, David Logan’s mother, tall and physically

    strong; lives with the Logan family.

    Mr. L. T. Morrison, works on Logan farm; 7 feet tall,

    muscular, age 63, gentle nature.

    Mrs. Lee Annie Lees, a plantation tenant; mid-60s,

    heavyset, beautiful, fun-loving.

    Wordell Lees, grandson of Mrs. Lee Annie and raised by

    her; age 15; smiles and talks little; considered “peculiar.”

    Uncle Hammer, David Logan’s brother; unmarried;

    lives in Chicago but visits the Logans.

    Cousin Bud Rankin, son of Mary Logan’s sister; hand-

    some, with a pleasant personality; lives in New York.

    Cousin Suzella, Bud’s daughter; age 15, pretty and


    Mr. Harlan Granger, plantation owner; ruthless, pow-

    erful, greedy; wants the Logans’ land.

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