
Who are the most influential people before 1500?

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Who are the most influential people before 1500?




  1. One of the most influential people before 1500, was I believe The Pope and the clergy ranging from the local priests to the hierarchy of the church.

  2. Numerous Greeks, Caesar Augustus and many Romans, JESUS CHRIST, Paul the Apostle (for spreading Christianity)Constantine (for expanding Christianity),  St. Augustine (Canonizing the Bible), Charlemagne ,Dante, Henry the Navigator, Christopher Columbus, Nicolaus Copernicus

  3. Confucius, Buddha, Mohamed, Jesus Christ, Moses, etc.

    As far as influence that has lasted into modern times, that is. Most influential in their own time periods? Anyone who ruled an empire that spanned more than half of the known world. Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, a whole line of Caesars, Xerxes, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, etc. Oh, and Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand and Isabella by extension. And Hernando Cortez.

  4. Byzantines and the Muslims

  5. who ever wrote the Bible



    1.I am being VERY BRIEF of describing what they did. So you might check out website for furthermore details

    2.Europe was inferior during 6th ~ 12th century in many ways, compare to other civilizations like Muslims and that would make it European people less important

    <If you asked the whole Human Hisotry, then the result might be quite different though>


    1.Plato : Greek Philosopher

    2.Aristotle : Greek Philosopher

    3.Julius Caesar / Octavian : Built Roman Empire

    4.Constantine the Great : Roman Empire, who tried to spread Christianity, and eventually opened the gate to middle-age

    5.Alexander : invaded Asia. resulted the mixture of West-East, and by doing so, helped Greek Culture to revolve

    6.Scipio : Defeated Cartage, and helped Rome to grow into the superpower

    7.Pythagoras : Father of ancient math

    8.Homer : writer of Euclid and Illiad

    Jews/Early Christians

    1.Paul : Obstablished and spread the bagic concept of Christianity

    2.Moses : You know what he did

    3.Jesus : Founder of Christianity


    1.Cyrus the Great : Built Persian empire, and its civilization, which still lasting as the name of Iran

    2.Egyptions who built Pyramid : Egypt influenced Greeks in many ways including architecture, math, and many other fields

    3.Ramses the 2nd : The most powerful Palao of Egypt

    4.Saladin : Defeated Crusades, and reunited part of Muslim world

    5.Muhammad : Founder of Muslim religion, possibly the most important historic figure before 1500

    6.Al khwarizmi : Math. He is considered to be most important being in math/physics before birth of Newton

    7.Ibn sina : Inventor of various medicines. Considered to be the father of anatomy. Many of human muscles and bones were named by him

    8.Ibn alhaytham : Math-Chemisty. Considered to be the founder of Chemisty

    9.Khalid ibn al-Walid : Muslim general who occupied Egypt, Turkey, and Persia. By doing so, he helped Muslim religion to grow into a major religion

    10.Timur the lame : One of the most successful conqueror, who beated Russians, Indians, Persians, Ottoman the Turks, and Mongols

    Eastern Asia

    1.Confu : Founder of confunism

    2.The 1st emperor of China : He CREATED China

    3.Sun-Tzu : You know what he did

    4.Ghengis-Khan : Built a huge empire by defeating almost every civilization existed at the time. His empire was 4 times bigger than Rome Empire

    5.Che-Ryun : Invented Paper

    6.Lao Zi : Founder of Taoism

    7.Emperor Wu : Conquered most of Asia, and doubled the size of China

    8.Emperor Tai-Zong : Considered to be the greatest emperor of China by many of his people, he opened the golden era of China that lasted for 2 decades.

    9.Li Bai : Writer and Philospher. You can think of him as Shakespear of China.

    10.Du Fu : Writer and Philospher. He equals Li Bai in popularity and reputation of his work

    11.Han Xin : One of the greatest millitary commanders in Chinese history(possibly one of the top 5), he defeated huge enemy by winning al 72 battles, and helped his emperor to unite China as Han Dynasty


    1.Buddha : Founder of Buddism, one of 4 major religions in the world.

    2.Chandragupta : United India for the 1st time in history. His empire equaled Persia and Rome Empire in population, size, and wealth at its highest

    3.Asoka : The most famous emperor of India, spread Buddism throughout Asia

    4.Bhaskara : math / astronomy -> he made the number of "ZERO".

    5.Babur : conqueror (he fought 42 battles, and won 40 times in his life time), a tallented politician. Founder of Mugul Empire

    6.Brahmagupta : Math/Astronomy/Physics/Geography. Founder of the oldest university of India(594 AD)

    Made the first encyclopedia (566 AD)

  7. various mesopatamian cultures, nubians, then egypt, persians, greeks/macedonians, romans, india, china, arabs, mongolians, china, turkish for a quick relief, china again...more or less in that chronological order.

    ow yes, and the jews had an impact along the way as well. What kind of question is that? be honest.

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