
Who are the negative economic effects of going green?

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  1. "Going green" is so vague.

    If you mean buying green products, it probably has very few negative economic effects since it is consistent with the underlying forces that lead to environmental problems in the first place (inherent to our form of capitalism).

    However, thinking seriously about what it means to be "green" (maybe something like "being responsive to environmental change") would have profound economic consequences. It would probably mean a retooling of our entire economy to focus less on the production of new products. It would mean sacrificing the benefits we enjoy from rapid innovation. It would mean subjecting ourselves to the pressures of the environment (it's limits, the consequences of environmental change, etc).

  2. Because all you do is pay extra money to do something symbolic that doesn't have a measurable effect on the environment.

  3. For your pocket? the green alternatives you buy will be more expensive than the conventional ones so your costs will increase. On the other hand you will be gaining health and quality!

    For the world economy: only benefits - pollution, poor health and other outcomes of not going green all produce costs so it's only rational to go green. Cheers.

  4. The economy is something that your corporate masters want you to believe to be important. You are still all slaves to the corporate masters who care only about profits. (yes I am including the one's that sell so called "green" products.) If you really want to erase your carbon footprint then you have two options, suicide or become a freegan and sterilize yourself to help control the human population. If you do niether than you are evil and contributing to global warming.

  5. What are the negative economic effects?  

    -I have light bulbs that have lasted for ten years now.   They use less power than the ones they replaced.   Less money for the companies that make light bulbs and less money for the power company, but more money for me.  

    -I bike or walk to places near my house now instead of driving.   Less money for the terrorist supporting countries in the middle east, less money for the shipping companies that bring oil to the US, less money for the refiners, delivery trucks and local gas station.  Less money for the car companies since I won't have to buy a new vehicle so soon.    Less money for the local gym because I don't go there any more since I get my exercise walking/biking.    More money for me to spend in more important ways.

    Money will still be spent, just in different places.

  6. Basically there are none...

    if you go green YOU save money...

    the government doesnt want you to save money - they want you to NEED money so you NEED to work more -so they make more taxes

  7. Go to the grocery store and you will see the negative effects. Yeah lets use our food souce to fuel our cars.

  8. Cost efficiency is backwards.

    No links needed, this is basic manufacturing knowledge, and it is all over the net...

    Ethanol: A whole month's supply of corn for an entire family,    just to fill one fuel tank. Price of corn goes up, price of land goes up, greenhouse gasses emitted to create the ethanol from one month of corn outwiegh that of oil-to-gasoline creation for same amount of fuel. And it costs more.

    Flourecent bulbs: cost more than regular, 1500% more, and are way more toxic to destroy or produce.

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