
Who are the officials of the game volleyball and what are their functions /duties?(pls. give me exact answer)?

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i need this answer to my assignment...! help me! thanks..!




  1. Line judges is one of the officials and they hold a flag and stand at the left corner (when facing the net) of one side of the court and another person opposite that person on the other side of the court and they have to watch the lines to tell when the ball is in or out.  If the ball lands on the line it's in but if it lands outside the line then it is out.  they hold the flag down in front of them to show it's in and they hold the flag up to show it's out.  There is a referee standing on the ground opposite the the other ref who is standing in the box on the post of the net.  they also have scorebook people and libero trackers.  go to a volleyball website like  hope this helps a little.

  2. you have 2 line judges, their duties are to call the ball in or out, let the up ref know if the blocker touches the ball, and also looks for foot faults on the serve

    you have a scorekeeper, this person keeps track of the score, as well as the correct server and any sanctions handed out by the up ref

    You have a score flipper. this person is in charge of keeping the visible score for the players and aduiance to see. wether it's an electronical scoreboard or a flip scoreboard they operate it.

    You have a down ref (or R2) their job is to check the receiving teams line up, to make sure that they are in proper line up before each serve. Then they watch the net for any net violations. They also assist the Up ref in making lifts, double contacts, in out calls, or anything else the up ref might see. They onyly blow a whistle for net violations and out of service errors. For all other calls they are only allowed to suggest their opinion to the up ref

    you have a libero tracker, who does just that they track the libero. They note who the libero comes in for and who the libero comes back out.

    Finally you have the up ref or (R1) they control the game. The blow a whistle to start play, they make sure the serving team is in proper rotaion, they have the final say on all in out calls and can over rule any other work team members desicion.

    To get a complete list of all the officials duties go to USAV official website and look up the rule book srction. If you purchase a rule book for $6.95 you will see the officials list of duties located within the 1st 15 pages or so.

    Good Luck with your assignment

    Coach Brian Allen

    Generations Sports CLub

    Attleboro Ma 02703

  3. Up Reff or the main reff is the person who "judges"the game to see if any of the players are comitting any faults. He/she is also resposiable for the fairness of each game, and can give out red/yellow cards if needed. He/she also judges weather or not the down reff is correct when he/she calls someone for a fault. They also call serve, award points, ask any players/coaches/parents to leave(the game), and they basically judge the game so it's fair.

    Down reff is the secondary reff. He/she is incharge of making sure that both teams are in correct formations on the court and calls either team for out of rotation, calls any player who faults on the net, and basically does the same thing as the main reff, but watches more closely.

    Line judges call weather or no the ball is in or out, or can tell the main reff if someone has just touched the ball if it is out. there are two line judges, and they work opposit sides of the court.

    Book keeper is the person incharge of tracking who is on or off the court, which player subs. for another player, tracks the libero,

    keeps track of the score, and also keeps track of the floor captin. They also track the points, keep track of how many subs. a team has, and if either teams are given a yellow/red card.  

    score keeper keeps track of the score.  

    and that's basically it!

  4. well, there are line judges, 2, they tell whether the ball is out or not, they also tell whether the person serving steps over the back line. Then there is the ref, he is the head ref, he judges whether the setter sets the ball correctly, if someone touches the net, if he ball touches the net, he tells the server to serve, pretty much enforces all the rules. hope this helps, good luck with the assignment.

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