
Who are the people the bid up oil and manipulated oil prices?

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Who are the people the bid up oil and manipulated oil prices?




  1. no one, because oil is used as soon as it's produced. it's kinda hard to buy that much oil and hide it somewhere without people noticing. this is pretty much pure supply and demand, especially from China and the rest of the developing world...

  2. The Bushes, Saudi Arabians and Wall St. Traders.  Is not the buying and sale of actual oil, but the trading of commodities that drives up the prices.

  3. You're an idiot,  Oil is traded in a world market, and the prices you hear about are those in the futures market.

    No one person or group can control the commodities market, However, the producers can exert some control by cutting production or threating to do so which would reduce the supply, to meet the demand

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