
Who are the people who say "blessed be" & why do they say it?

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Are they "Wiccans"? If so, what are Wiccans?




  1. Its just a traditional saying.  It is used by pagans and Wiccans.

    Not much different than God bless you.  Or as I would say may the Gods bless your path.  But I use Blessings a lot too.  It covers about every thing.  I am Polytheistic, more pagan then Wiccan. I believe in many Gods and spirits, lessor Gods and only one grand creator,(most likely female), what do men know about creating life.  Although Nordic thunders are a cool idea, lightning bolts and all.  Valhalla sounds much better then heaven, feasting on the boar, venison  and drink intoxicating drink, chasing wenches.  Hard  pressed to beat that with harp music and clouds, boring!!!!

  2. It is an earth religion.

    it is a way to say "May the gods bless you."


  3. Like many other Wiccan sayings and rituals, it's a substitute for the sayings and rituals of tranditional religions.  As near as I can tell, most Wiccans no longer feel a connection or else they feel animosity toward the traditional religions but apparently they still have a need to belong, so they just substitute the Wicca version for the traditional version.

  4. I am a Pagan and Wicca.The wiicaglade is a good web site about Wicca.I like to say many blessing some times I say blessed be thy path to other pagans and wiccans.I say this because I do wish you many blessings in life and I feel as if your family my bother or sister.Someone answered as if we thought we were gods,we believe that the creator is in all of us and everything and can help us meet our needs and to help us learn life lessons.There's a lot of web sites about Wicca and Pagans,don't believe everything you read we all don't believe the same thing..

    (Many blessings)

  5. on Buffy The Vampire Slayer,  Willow who did witchcraft joined a wiccan group in college.. None of them knew anything about magick like she did, and she said they were a bunch of "Wannablessedbes"

  6. Just pagen B. S. Mother earth followers and Lilith believers. Sorry guys, but I have no use for pagans. Just another way to jusify going outside the normal moral values. Blessed be is no different than the saying," I am", and those who see this will know what I,m talking of. We are not Gods!

  7. Jhon S pretty much got it right..

  8. They are woo-woos who got lost on the way to the Mythology & Folklore category.

  9. It's a pagan/wiccan saying.   It's a way to wish others general blessings in life, and is dirived from the ritual practices that the faith encompases.  It comes from a ritual greeting, called the Fivefold kiss that goes:

    "Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways

    Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar

    Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be

    Blessed be thy b*****s, formed in beauty

    Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."

    Wicca is a modern day Earth based spirtuality that recongnizes a Lord and Lady rather than a monotheistic God, draws powers from the natural world, and it is usually practiced in a ritual format.  For more information, look it up on

  10. I believe it is sort of a Wiccan "Amen" where all say together to agree on what has been just said.

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