
Who are the "oldies" in YAM?

by  |  earlier

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Bean aside... can you remember the order of when the regulars made their first appearence?




  1. aku tua amat

  2. Blackberrylicious is among the oldest. Very..very..old.

  3. Heavy metal brain damaged Ginduras  

  4. Dunno cuz I am too young to answer tis too .. lol

  5. my first appeareance was on 29th Aug 2006 ...wah 2 years already i hve been active on & off..

  6. I am and thanks for asking.

    I am just like the burung kakaktua with only two front tooth left.

    You mean Bean is that old?

    But he still loves cherries, don`t you Bean?

  7. I'm here since Bicycle Repairman used to repair his bicycles in YAM..........than i was known as Scouser, Gemini7674 and also Deadman Walking..........all the account kena suspend.........

  8. Hushpuppy aside...yes I can remember the order thank you very much for asking..

  9. Discovered Y!A April 2007.

  10. i am too young in yam to answer this question

  11. i m old and oldies too :p

  12. i'm too young to know bout this thing

  13. i think beany old...... jedi also old....

    jedi..i never chat with u leh...

  14. my first appearence was on Nov 2006..

    that time the questions were more formal than nowadays...heheh

    and the oldies that I can remember

    MyraLicious (Blackberrylicious now),Bicycle Repairman(BOSS),Shah,Butterfly,Sarah

  15. I'm old, too old to remember the order....hmm what to do..

  16. don't know.

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