
Who are the real doctors?

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The scientists or the medics?




  1. Doctor actually means Teacher, so i'd say scientists and doctors should just be called physicians or surgeons.

  2. scientist, because they are the one to invent and prove!

  3. They both are. The MD's (medics) are the ones who are usually called "doctors" but scientists who attain a PhD have every right to be called as such. "Real" doctors in essence would be the ones caring for the sick and the wounded, but the scientists would resent that.

  4. Doctor is from doctoris, a latin term of respect for teacher.

    Medical doctors teach their patients and medical students, scientist doctors teach students what they learn through research.

    Nowadays, anyone with a doctoral degree is a "doctor" but IMHO it should imply a degree of respect to someone who teaches others.

  5. medics teach, research and treat and thus so should be rightfully called doctor as the pure scientists usually only fill one or two of those criteria

  6. Real doctors are those who practise medicine according to the rules and orders framed by govt. Now a days, certain doctors have became a part and parcel of organ trade.

    The ethics of medical practice is more important. To see how the public can be safeguarded from an inefficient and often corrupt medical system and receive comprehensive health care of a reasonable quality is paramount. Ordinary people have to choose between an underfunded and inefficient public sector with its long queues, dirty hospitals, and rude staff (not infrequently on strike for more pay) and the expensive private sector, perceived as being run by avaricious doctors fleecing patients through overinvestigation and overtreatment. Many patients, understandably, turn to the more accessible and cheaper practitioners of alternative systems of medicine or even to quacks, who regularly prescribe a cocktail of antibiotics, antimalarials, antipyretics, and steroids for fever.

  7. the scientists!!

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