
Who are the rest of Britain going to support in the Final between SA and England?

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The Irish may as well support the green jersey, it is just a shade darker than their lovely green colors?




  1. nice to see we have got a few supporters on here.

  2. I'm English but I want South Africa to win. I don't like English national teams at any sport

  3. We came to Wales from London 50+ years ago with my dad's job and have chosen to stay. My children were born here and none of us have any yearning to go back up 'the smoke'.

    However, come Saturday,I wouldn't dare cheer for England even though I have a relative who played in the England squad. I shall be watching the match with a friend whose son was born in Jo/burg so they'll be shouting for SA.

    I have a small bet on England to win but wouldn't tell anyone !

    Here in Wales Rugby is THE RELIGION and woe betide ANYONE caught cheering for England even though we can get accross the border in 15 minutes !

  4. Cannot see it myself...........too much history between us, I know it is History, but the ole enemy will remain the ole enemy....I will try, honest I will..........

    But lets be honest here........if the boot was on the other foot, would England shout for any of the Celts???????????????


  5. the rest of the uk do not like the english.

  6. Who cares. Were there in the Final

  7. I'm Scottish and will be supporting the English lads. I would hope they would do the same in return. After all, we are British!!!

  8. I'm Irish but I'll be supporting England.

    I know there is a lot of England hate talk on here, but there is still a lot of support from the NH v a SH team.

    Ditto, I'm sure Aussies & Kiwis will support SA being from SH.

  9. lets all get behind england, i know we make it very difficult for you all, but at least rugby is a mans game and they have pulled their finger out to get there, well try and not go on about it for years and years to come, like we do with the football 1966 and all that, all you irish and scots in particular take heart in the fact that you have a better anthem, better drinkers and dont end up smashing everywhere you go up, because you got beat, wish we as a nation were more like you,win or lose have a booze

  10. I would hope that most of the British would be supporting England - there are bound to be exceptions, Jocks with their chips on their shoulders, green with envy, faces twisted with bitterness, heads lowered in shame.

    Yes, I shall be supporting you English, the British representatives!!

  11. Lucky Man 2

    England = 85% of Britain.

    Celtic scum = 15% of Britain.

    We outnumber them more than 5 to 1, so think what ever you want, boy.

  12. South Africa!

    Schmagum-Quality over quantity,and you wonder why we set fire to your holiday homes!


         Y saes,Cynychu bant!

  13. I just hope that it not the Irish ref!!!! Lets hope for fair play

    You guessed it- Bok supporter

  14. I'll support the side playing rugby which in this instance is SA. It would be a disaster for the game if England won playing the game that they play.

    Of course if Robinson is given the ball and he runs in a hat-trick of tries then I'll cheer him - he's almost the only English player playing rugby properly.

  15. schmagum,,,your one reason the rest the uk

    hate you,,moron,

    and to answer your question most of the

    scots will be cheering on the springboks.

  16. I'm Scottish and i will be whooping for England

  17. i cant wait for saturday,got the sitter booked already,ill be supporting england of course,but i really do think south africa are great

  18. I'm Scottish and I'm supporting England, I'm married to a guy from England.  I just wish my fellow Scots would get a grip! It's not England's fault our team are rubbish.

  19. I, along with most other Scots, will be cheering on anyone who faces the English. Call it a chip on the shoulder if you like, but if you read into the bitter history between the nations that spans over 800 years, you'd soon realise that it ain't "just a chip". And it's not because we're sore losers. The Scots are not sore losers. Infact quite the opposite! We're used to losing!! You'll find the majority of Scots will support the other home nations of Ireland and Wales ... and even France! But I just cannot bring myself to support the English at anything. Call it a chip if you like. I like to call it an eye-for-an-eye for 800 years of oppression.

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