
Who are the tallest people in the world? And who are the shortest? I'm talking about races of people?

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Who are the tallest people in the world? And who are the shortest? I'm talking about races of people?




  1. Midgets are the shortest...

  2. I think the Bushmen of Africa may be the shortest and possibly Caucasians may be the tallest.

  3. The Dutch are the tallest. Mbuti Pygmies are the littlest (average male height 4'6'').

  4. No 'races' are the tallest or shortest people.

    However, certain groups have retained the genes for the tallest, and shortest people.

    I believe the tallest people are the African Watusi, and the African Pygme, the shortest, but I'm un-sure.

    Boy, this 'race' thing sure does have people in check mentally. I can't believe someone would forget that tallness and shortness are traits you inherit from your parents.

    Gee, black man, the tallest 'race', white man, the shortest. Whoops, I should be talkin 'black', adhering to my 'racial' position in life~

    Back to the heigt thing, we really cannot yet determine the shortest and tallest mofos to a good degree of accuracy, because height depends on both genes AND diet.

    Farm boys eat their wheaties, and are therefore usually tall. That may be why African slaves in North America were generally alot taller than respective populations back in West Africa.

    Please pick "duder's" answer! His answer is short, and to the point: the are no shorter 'races' because their are no biological human species, or even sub-divisions.

    I'm not saying people all look alike, I'm just saying too may confuse phenotype with genetic make up.

    "*****" now simply means black, as in melinated, so what, pray tell are your criterion and basis for racially differentiating Masai and Tutsi into the "***** racial" category, seperate from the Mbuti Pygmies?

    Certainly you know their hieght doesn't substantiate any such claim?

  5. That would be the Watusi tribe of Africa as the tallest &  toss up for shortest among the Negritos of Asia & Pygmy of Africa.

    The Watusi, in modern day, have been lumped into one tribe known as Tutsi, but these contain many non related tribes .  Many old films exist about them & the males are said to have averaged in excess of 6' 6" in height... far above the Dutch which have only recently become taller than the Average American.

    Americans, due to massive migrations from Mexico & Central America, have actually decreased in average height in the last 40 years.

  6. I think that Masai and Tutsi  are the tallest and the African Pygmies are the shortest.  Their race depends on your definition but the Masai are a population of Negroes and the pygmies are often considered a separate race.

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