
Who are the teenagers in the bible?

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Do you know of any teenagers in the bible




  1. David, Josiah, Daniel, Shadrak Mesach and Nebenego....just to name a few.

  2. Mary

  3. Abraham and Noah. They were about 217 years old.

  4. I'm sure there were many. But the only one I know of that was spoken of specifically was David. He was but a young boy when he defeated Goliath.  

  5. No, they all got stoned to death.

    Yes, the bible says (I'm paraphrasing here) "Let any child who is disobedient be stoned to death"

  6. Almost all of them were at some stage

  7. David when he killed Goliath was most likely a teen if not young man.

    Daniel and his 3 companions (Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) were most likely around that age when personally selected by the Babylonian King.

    Josiah, the young King of Isreal?

    Who brought back true worship of YHWH back to the people in unpopular times by destroying every idol in Isreal (always liked that one).

    Mary, when Gabriel spoke to her.

    Jesus.  At the temple in Jerusalem after the Passover, questioning all the pharisee's and scribes about YHWH.

    They marvel at amazement because of his age and the questions being put to them.

    That's a difficult question b/c everyone, obviously, goes through that age period, so one could mention every name in the Bible.

    But if you're looking for direct references to the stories though, that's all i got out of the top of my head.

  8. Well, I think there were some teenagers who were making fun of Elijah, so they got attacked by a bear.

    It is also believed that Ishmael was a teenager when he and his mother Hagar were forced to leave.  

  9. They got eaten by bears.

    "As he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them." -- 2 Kg.2:23-24

  10. Mary, mother of Jesus was involuntarily inseminated (raped).

    Lots two daughters got him drunk and had s*x with him (date rape).

    Ask your pasture or priest some more details and what God did to Lots' daughters.

  11. Think David may have been in his early teens when he slew Goliath - sounds about right, because you need a bit of strength to hurl a stone like that with a sling.

    Can't think of anyone else, but guess the Bible is full of teens, cept back then no one bothered about being a teen.  Teen is an American 20thC concept.  Back then as soon as a child was able to work, that's what they did.  Childhood and teen years simply did not exist in our modern sense.

    You only have to read Chas Dickens 'Oliver Twist' to know that even in Victorian England, children as young as 8 were expected to work.

  12. Yes.  

    Elijah prayed to God, when they were teasing him about his bald head and two female bears slaughtered them.

    2 Kings 2

    Apparently 42 teenagers were murdered for their sense of humor.

  13. I suppose at one time everyone in the Bible who wasn't stoned or sacrificed as a child were teenagers. But I don't think they had the concept of teenagers; marriage and pregnancy at an early age was the order of the day.  

  14. Lot's daughters.


  15. Mary was about 15 when she got married to Joseph.

    The daughters of Lot who got him drunk and slept with him while he slept so they could get pregnant were teenagers.

    David was a teenager for a while, as was Joseph of the coat of many colors.

    That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are others.

  16. I think Esther, yes.

    You could also include the Shulamite Maiden written about by Soul. She is not the most important or most stated teen in the bible but the lessons that she teaches are very relevant.

  17. David was a teen when he was anointed to be the next king of Isreal.

  18. Cain and Able, I think they were teenagers.

  19. The disciple John was very young, likely a teenager, when following Jesus.

  20. Well,

    Joseph (OT Joseph) was 16 or 17 when he was sold into slavery by his brothers

    Josiah, king of Judah, was 19 when he took the throne

    Daniel was a teenager when he was taken prisoner to Babylon

    David (the to-be Goliath killer) was a teenager, too.

    Teenagers did great things in the Bible. I'm sure there are more!

    Hope this helped!

  21. Romeo and Juliet

  22. Everyone in the Bible was a teenager at some point. (Those who made it past childhood at least) It just depends on what part of their life you are reading about.

  23. There were no such things as teenagers in that time.  It is a recent term since the second world war.

  24. David was a kid when he killed Goliath probably around 14

  25. Jesus' disciples were supposedly teenagers. and mary (Jesus' mother) was apparently 14 or something

  26. Samuel, Cain, Abel, David, Ishmael, Samson, Esther and some say Jesus' deciples and Mary were too  

  27. David; Joseph (of the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat fame); Mary and Joseph (Jesus' parents on Earth); Samson in the early passages of his story; James the disciple.  There are many.

  28. "Teenagers" are not a Biblical concept.

    One was either a child under age twelve, or treated as an adult.

    Mary was likely to have conceived Jesus between 12 and 15 years of age.

    Jesus was found teaching in the Temple at age 12.

    You will not fine teens in the Bible.  

  29. that is kind of hard to answer as the "teenager" is actually a new thing. in the bible there was no such thing as a teenager. you were a child or a grown up. if you married and had children at 17 and that was normal where is there time to be a teenager. these people we would call a teenager they called adults.

    the closest thing is charactures like david. but you will not see "teenagers" in the bible

  30. I'm sure that all the fictitious characters (and the few real ones) in the bible were once teenagers!

    Batman and Superman were kids once y'know!

  31. no, god dosent like teens, he  wants them to be mature at a young age, no hiphop or loud music, no drinking, no partys, no fighting, no respect (cause jesus said if some one tears your side burn ask him to tear the other) WTF???? and to obey his law and be a extreme cristian maciacs, thats why you end up whith extremist. i sugest teens dont get in to religion till they are like 50 years old,  

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