
Who are the top 5 people you would most like to meet (2 alive 2 dead 1 either and state why)?

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My choices would be:


M Ali a man of the greatest social and physical skills

T B Pickens for being an oilman who realizes we cannot drill our way out of this problem. And is looking for legit alternatives (he is old and a billionaire so he has no reason to lie).


Hitler to learn his true intents (not what the victors claim).

Tesla easily the smartest human to ever live.


Stephen Hawkings the smartest man alive today.

I deliberately left out the obvious Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Confusious, Buhdda, as they are humans who would be chosen are based on bias not curiosity. I hope you do the same and please no McCain or Obama - I am sick of hearing about this election!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Dead : John F Kennedy- bcuz he's one of the greatest presidents of the united states history

                 Adolf Hitler- he was truly a highly intelligent man

                 Beethoven- smart composer

                 Heath Ledger- great actor


    Alive: Chris Martin- simply my fave musician out there

               Sarah Jessica Parker- shes a fashion icon

  2. Dead:

             Bob MARLEY,just to listen to him live.

            Rosa PARKS,to tell her what a courageous woman she was.


              Nelson MANDELA,just to shake is hand.

              Cher,to tell her how much I love her music.


                Florence NIGHTINGALE,to work with her.

  3. dead:

    earl warren because of the brilliance of his beliefs

    john lennon because he's pretty much the coolest guy who ever lived


    billie joe armstrong, i havent gotten to see green day live yet

    tim gunn because he just seems like such a fun person to hang out with


    jk rowling because she wrote some of my favorite books and it would be so interesting to talk to her about them

  4. Alive.

    It would have to be Rihanna and Nelson Mandela. She is my favourite songstress and he is one of the most insprational people in the world.


    It would have to be Marilyn Monroe and Adolf Hitler. I would want to meet Marilyn cos she could help me to become more proud of my curves and Hitler because I would want to know the real reasons behind his plans.


    Ummm... probably Heath Ledger to tell him 'The Dark Knight' is bloody awesome and cos I never got to meet one of my favourite actors.

  5. dead erwin rommel like to know was he involved in the plot or not to kill hitler

    dead manfred von ritchofen have to know more about a guy that developed air tactics in world war 1 still used today.

    alive.yogi berra love to hear some of the tales of playing with the yankees.

    alive bill russell the basketball player with 11 championships rings and could have won a gold medal in the high jump of the 56 olympics.

    dead alf landon yes the republican who lost the election to fdr in one of the biggest landsides ever. did it bother him or did he find pride in seeing the republicans recan control in the 80's..

  6. Cool.


    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Hands down, I'd love to have audience, however short, because it would be something I could NEVER forget.

    Jane Goodall. I've met her twice, and it had been something I'd always wanted since I was very small - she really is a marvellous person, I'd love to hear another lecture.


    [Difficult selection!]

    Catherine de'Medici. Some say she was a witch and she did cruel things, or was she just human? That would be an experience and a half to have a chat with her! [There are so many other monarchs I'd love to chat with, I'm not sure why I chose Catherine]

    Louis Leaky, with his wife of course, she can't left out of the picture. They give me such inspiration!


    King Henry VIII. How very cheesy, you might be thinking - but if I could as in his Privy and see what the devil was actually going through his mind, it would be awesome.


  7. Dead :

    Queen Elizabeth just to see what made her tick. She was a strong female figure in a world dominated by men.

    Hitler would be very interesting just to see what was going on in his head and to maybe have him evaluated my a shrink.


    Nelson Mandela, wow what a man to sit and have tea with. To sit and just listen to him, listen to what he has to say and what he has been through.

    The head of any major oil company to ask them why it's more important to become greedy money hungry fools than it is to save the planet that we live on.

    Either would be John Lennon, That would just be too cool to see and hear about what he thinks about the world now almost 30 years after his murder.

  8. Steven King just to know what goes on in his head

    Mick Jagger just to know how they the band could still be going after 40 some years and still create some of the best music around and how they keep up their live performances.

    John F Kennedy: he's always been a light for me to see where I was going.

    My grandfather who died during the first war world who I never got to meet. Just to know what kind of man he was.

    Any of the good people I have been in touch with on YA'S just to see if they really as nice and kind as they seem to be on YA'S and to thank them face to face for all thier wonderful answers and question's that help me to have a better insite to what is going on in other peoples lives

                                                         Thanks for asking

  9. I would want to meet:

    Dead: Einstein, Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart

    Alive: A random psycopath, A realy nice japanese persone

    Other: L (L from Death Note -> )

  10. Alive:

    Stephen King- What goes on in that mind of his?

    Al Gore- For some reason I just want to get a good look at this guy.


    Josef Mengel- I'm a bit more interested in the sadistic doctor than the brilliant anti semitistic.

    Homer- I'd love to know what went through his mind whilst writing The Iliad.


    Anton LaVey- I'm no satanist, but it would be interesting to learn about the thought processes of the guy who found the Church of Satan.

  11. Dead:

    Jane Austen because she is my favorite author and i want to see what goes on in the head of the woman who created Pride and Prejudice.

    Anne Boleyn, because I actually really like her and I want to see if she was really the horrible, b***** person history says she is, or if her true character was just slandered to the point of no return by her enemies and by Henry VIII when he wanted to divorce her.


    Emma Thompson, because I love her, she is a phenomenal actress and sounds like she'd be an interesting and fun person to have lunch with.

    Paul McCartney because I love the Beatles and he cowrote some of the best songs ever written.


    Elizabeth I because she was fearless and intriguing and clever. A truly iconic, legendary woman.

  12. Ok my alive choices...

    Bill Bailey because i have listened to his comedy near enough all my life and i think he would be so fun to just chat to.  Plus he is an amazing musician and i really respect musicians, maybe have a jam with him sometime.

    Steve Vai because he is another amazing musician, with such a rich knowledge in music too, having composed music for a whole orchestra.  I would very much like to shake his hand.

    Now for my dead choices...

    Socrates, being one of the earliest philosophers, i think he really had a good view on life in that knowledge is the property of the divine, and i would really like him to question me on what i hold dear about myself.  Shame about how his state treated him.

    Hannibal, the amazing Carthaginian general who in the second Punich war killed and captured a total of 50,000 - 70,000 Roman troops, a force which greatly outnumbered his own.  I want to meet him because he is such a great strategist and would like to see how he is as a person.


    Johnny Depp, cos my God, he is a chameleon, such an amazing actor he can play any role at all to perfection.

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