
Who are the top five destroyers (not polluters) of the world ecology?

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i.e., causing extinction of species like gorillas, sharks, salmon, or destroying entire ecosystems.




  1. ferrel cats are bad...but you have to make the distinction between long term and short term because we wouldn't have the current life at all without massive extinctions and catastrophic events that eventually led to a flourishing, profound fauna that we have today. Our "destruction" of ecosystems may be the best thing that will happen to people a million years from now.

  2. cattle in arid regions, clear cutting of rain forests,increase in water temps,disease and virus in coral reef,over development of former farm lands. Moth

  3. I don't know what 2 through 5 are but man is the number 1 by far.

  4. Well, i hardly agree that man is # 1, species have gone extint long before we even started cataloging animals and species and some have gone extinct since by no fault of man.

    Again, dealing with truth and not propaganda, how arrogant of man to think he "know's it all" when the area regarding the planet has not been studied , documented or done so accurately in the past.

    I know man may be responsible for deforesting Brazilian jungles which are useful for medicine extracts but to boldly make a claim that MAN is responsible for changes without proof is pretty irresponsible. This is the sentiment that makes people distrust the cause due to the inaccuracy, exaggerations and or lies they hear time and time again.

    Ecology changed when we had the Ice-age.

    Ecology changed slightly when Mount Pinotubo erupted.

    Ecology is changing due to the volcanoes under the Ice caps.

    Any time a natural disaster kicks up whether it be a Hurricane, Volcanic eruption, shifting of the magnetic fields between the sun and earth, Meteor hits big enough to cause limate change.

    Then there's Pompei as an example of natural disasters changing things......perhaps wiping out areas, villages, plant and animal life in an entire area.....because breathing in the dust can kill from within.

    The animal kingdom has always evolved under the "survival of the fitest" equalizer, so some species just aren't smart enough to lucky enough to survive in the wild. They have their the dinasaurs....then they die. Some animals aren't that adaptable.

    Waterways and channels sometimes change direction and that changes the landscape.

    Forest fires might burn through an entire area and make things change as well.

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