
Who are the true "leaders" of feminism?

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"I think the problem is that independent/mainstream feminists who are potentially normal women, legitimise and make excuses for their sociopath leaders." - another answerer

I won't even dignify the "normal women" bit with a comment. But, feminists, who are y/our leaders? Or do you just have your own opinions that occasionally match up with the opinions of well-known feminists?




  1. Why, Rio, you are of course:P

    EDIT @ Neecie: You might want to read Rio's question before blabbering on like an idiot.

  2. It does not matter, you legitimise these people, you don't take any sort of a stand against them, you make excuses for them, and reap the rewards of the special laws and privileges they provide.

    You guys are like the devout little old catholics who swear that priests don't bugger children.

    EDIT, and yet you do.

  3. to be heard, you have to go extreme, then you become a leader. In this sense, the leaders of feminists are mad people.

  4. In a situation of true EQUALITY.. I would think feminists wouldn't NEED "leaders".

    If you need a leader then you are no better than a SHEEP following a HEARD.  

  5. I know, Eve, who started us all...

  6. What are you talking about? It's just EQUAL RIGHTS!!!!!!! Whats wrong with that???? your a woman?? WOW  you certainly don't help us other woman!!!!!    Would you rather see a insecure woman who is TOTALLY dependent on a man?? Whats wrong with everybody just taking care of themselves???

  7. Why do women have to have feminist leaders? Why can't you learn life, political, and gender issues from non-gender-specific universal rights and theory? Feminism just doesn't make sense to me.

  8. For me, there aren't any 'leaders' as such.

    There are definitely people, women and men, who I admire for their lives, their work or their views, but the notion of being 'led' is not something that sits well with me as a feminist (or as a person, to be honest).

    One of the things I find invigorating about feminism as a philosophy is the independence of thought and process it has fostered.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Germaine Greer was seen as pivotal when she published 'The Female Eunuch'. However more recently feminist debate has moved onto the internet. You should check out the for more up to date hereos and influences.  

  10. Sorry Rio, but your insistence that the people who lead feminism are people who have moderate views is bordering on delusional. It is abundantly clear who the leaders are (McKinnon, Greer, Harmann etc) and they are not man-friendly to say the least. For evidence do a keyword search for them in the link below.

  11. Let's be clear. There are hundreds of different 'feminisms' in addition to the notorious three waves. So why is feminism (whatever it really is) still around when nobody wants it and even feminist self-labellers don't really seem to know what they are getting themslves into.

    Their shadowy 'leaders' will lead them only into h**l.

    As an equalist, I reject and abhor feminism because I reject and abhor all s*x-based and race-based religions/ideologies.

  12. Mary Wollstonecraft

    Aphra Behn

  13. There are every day women who wouldn't even consider themselves feminist who I'm happy are out there to show young women what is possible. From female UFC fighters, to lawyers etc. To proud housewives who actually work hard for their family (let's face it there are some spoiled, lazy housewives). But as a man with a Daughter I'm glad she's got allot more role models then girls in the 70's and 80;s had.

  14. Oh pick me!!!!!!!

    No I dont have any leaders, have my own opinions I dont follow some strict feminist check list.   I do have feminist I admire and study, but most are dead and gone.

    View feminism as a personal thing, as it is to the majority of young feminist today  hence the problem with trying "attack" it or trying to solve the problems with in it each of us is a little different.

    h**l ya BA to Thing; this is great totally agree "as a philosophy is the independence of thought and process it has fostered."

  15. It would make sense to me that the leaders of feminism are those women who are walking the walk, instead of talking the talk.  Those who are making their way, successfully, in this world - and not relying upon others to pave the way for them.

  16. Rosie O'Donnell.

    Link to her keynote address at a feminist conference.

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