
Who are the users who are unbiased in choosing the best answers?

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and who are the biased ones?




  1. i think hardly 34% are unbiased and rest other seems to be decided even before posting the questions that to whom they have to award the best answer. I always tried to select on merit basis except one or two occasions .

  2. i am

    i give best answers to the best answer only not to an indian cuz i am an indian and not to my contacts only

  3. who ever vote by reading the answers and not just by seeing and voting for points

  4. me... i chose only when answer is doesnt matter to me if he is not my contact ...

  5. I am unbiased But I hardly ask ! I mostly answer :-)

  6. I am unbiased user in selecting best answers.

  7. Pretty much everyone is biased. When they ask a question, they are essentially looking for others to back up their claims or justify their position on an issue. Users who disagree, will never get a Best Answer nomination, even if their answers are logical and wel-researched.

    For example, if I am convinced that Shoaib Akhtar's ban is unjust, then even if I ask for all opinions on why he was banned, and even if users point out his injuries, loss of form and bust-up with Mohd Asif as the reason why he didn't get a contract, which in turn is what he protested about and got banned for, it is likely I will select an answer that somehows twists the saga to make it appear that he has a perfect right to protest, even though he shot himself in the foot much earlier.

  8. I am cause i don't ask questions

  9. the best answerer gets the best answer for my questions..

  10. Well, I choose the best answer based on content and helpfulness.

    A more useful answer content wise from someone who calls me an idiot for not knowing the answer is very unlikely to get my attention, but if it has the information I need, the tone of the response is immaterial.

    So if that counts as un-biased (which I think it does) then I'm un-biased. Or at least, I always STRIVE to be.

  11. All users with over 3,000 pts are biased and that's a fact !!, and i'm no exception.

    Montitude and CJ Randhawa are very fair when picking best answers, they always give it to the best answer and not the most famous user or there favourite user.

    Like i said everyone can be biased, infact i have been called biase by people when choosing best answers !!!. Most users in the cricket section and elsewhere give the best answer to, the most famous user or there friends

  12. ** I am pretty unbiased when choosing best answers

  13. to be honest i am biased in a way but unbiased too...i never vote for best answers of my friends and solely depends on the content for me to choose a best answer now it can be anybody.----my friends or a stranger

  14. you are unbiased

  15. What do you mean?

  16. umm i m kinda biased... actually really biased towards my friends.....

    unbiased.. hmm nvr noticed one...

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