
Who are these, so called enviromentalist?

by  |  earlier

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is it possible they are so rich, 4 dollar gas doesn;t bother them.

are they just spoiled rich kids trying to find something to do.

who ever they are, they are hurting the rest of us and don't seem to care about anybody but them selvs.




  1. In the global perspective, the US is all the spoiled rich kids "hurting the rest of us and don't seem to care about anybody but" themselves. Our "finding something to do" has gone a long way towards ruining the planet. Forests get levelled, the seas are dying, and all most Americans think about is how much lead-laced Chinese c**p they can buy at WalMart.

  2. Environmentalists merely want to protect the planet that God has given us.  So far, we have done a poor job indeed.

  3. It is becoming increasingly clear that environmentalism is not about the environment, it's about control of all that goes on within the environment.  That's why we can't further develop our own oil resources or build new refineries.  Everywhere oil companies want to drill because of known oil deposits, there's fifty or sixty federal environmental laws that says they can't.  We can thank the democrats for this one for their support of the environmental agenda.

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