
Who are these 47 million without health care?

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Low income people qualify for Medicare. All children are covered through WIC. Students receive cheap insurance through their Universities.... It seems to me that the bulk of people who are uninsured are the illeagals, sooo why bother with socialized medicine? to help illeagal people get insurance??




  1. All children are not covered through WIC. The 47 million people are the working lower middle class that cannot afford to pay a fortune for insurance. Our health insurance is ridiculously expensive (employer pays $1100 a month, and we pay $450 a month). You think people without employer sponsored insurance can afford that?

  2. Here is one American born citizen, some of my ancestors were here before the American Revolution, and I do not have health care.  Low Income people do not qualify for Medicare which is for people over 65 of any age.  You are talking about Medicaid and you have to be pretty seriously disabled, over 65, or have children to qualify.  That leaves out a lot of working Americans whose employers do not carry health insurance.

  3. Kind of interesting I see someone gave the statistic that 12 million illegal immigrants out of a total of 47 million without insurance that is 1/4. So taking away the illegals we still have about 35 million without health-care. Seems from what some are saying it is the working class being hit the hardest.

  4. Middle class America

    I don't have it - 45 male

    my wife doesn't have it - 44

    her kids - boys ages 26, 22 and 20

    We make too much to qualify for any kind of free insurance

    Our employers offer Group insurance at astronomical rates

    We can't afford to purchase individual insurance

    We roll the dice and hope for the best

  5. All Americans are allowed to access emergency care.  It is just that some of them get charged for it.  Even bankrupted.  Even if they have insurance.

    Look at the facts.  The USA has one of the western worlds highest death rates for kids aged under five.  Despite spending more money on healthcare PER PERSON than any other country in the world.

    The facts do not lie.  

  6. No, you're wrong. Not all children are covered through WIC. Who told you that?  

    Very low income people qualify for Medicaid. Medicare is for the elderly.

    I am one of those without insurance and I was born here in the U.S. as were my parents, my grandparents, their grandparents, their grandparents.......  My husband is one of the many unemployed struck by plant closings in our state. When we did have insurance, we could barely afford it.

    We don't need socialized health care for everyone. Health care was fine before it became big business.

    Illegals should not be entitled to benefits in this country. We have too many of our own who are in need of help.

  7. half of them are illeagles the rest are alredy covered under other gouverment prgrams the jsut don't take advantage of them its thie own faults....

  8. Only 12,000,000 of the 47 million are illegal aliens. Something Obama is careful to not say out loud.

  9. the illigals don't even dare to stick their necks out as INS will get thaem that same minute. the people who don't have an insurance, like me, are the people who are absolutely healthy. why the h**l should they have an insurace? for now, at least

  10. i'm one, i'm not an immigrant illegal or otherwise. I don't have kids or a disability, so i don't qaulify for medicaid or anything. I have untreated lung and testicular cancer.

  11. I don't know but they don't seem to be complaining very much do they.  

  12. Also, there are poor people without insurance.  As soon as my birthday comes, I will be off my mom's insurance.  Child support ordered my son to be on his fathers insurance and so I wont be able to get medical because my minor child doesn't need medical insurance since he already has it.  I checked out the insurance at the universities and they are not that cheap.  There are some that are fairly inexpensive, but they do not cover hardly anything.  Plus you have to have 9 units and online classes do not count so many part time students can not get it.  Also, like my sister her job just doesn't offer the insurance and barely doesn't qualify for medical.  Her job is finally getting insurance, but it is the crappiest insurance ever, most people at her ork would rather go to a clinic.  You have to pay a big copay and plus 50% of the nill.  For ER visits you have to pay the first $1000 plus 50%.

  13. The illegal aliens, do you know how much trouble it is to have and sit in an DR and get waited on.  It is a nightmare, it would be better  to get to go to a regular doctor free and not hve to wait, also wouldn't hve all those gunshot people givng you a dirty look.

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