
Who are these boxers?

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About twenty years ago, my brother and I went to a charity commerative dinner for Joe Louis' birthday.

All these British boxers were also once World Champions, can you identify them, if there is a tie, an interesting story regarding one of them will be the 'breaker'?

The boxer to my left was the most interesting character I have ever met, he appeared in a few horror films as an 'extra'.




  1. only recognise one henry cooper,

  2. Back left is John Conteh definitely then next to him is Dennis Andries not sure of the next one but the one after that is Alan Minter. I will get back to you with the names of the two guys either side of you in the front row they look familiar but the names arent coming to me at the minute.

    Jim Watt and Ken Buchanan are not in this picture.

    Could you please name the other boxers in the picture when your question expires as i would be very interested in knowing, as i said above a few look familiar but the names arent coming to me.

  3. one of them looks like cornilius boza-edwards another looks like james watt and i'm gonna guess and  say ken buchanan . and the turpin guy that beat sugar ray robinson

  4. i dont know those guys but ill tell you my fav boxer Rocky Marciano a undeafeated world heavyweight champion he won

    Joe louis

    jersey joe wallcot

    archie moore

  5. Frank D - is correct with John Conteh top left then Dennis Andries, fourth from top left is Alan Minter, i also think sitting down third from left is Maurice Hope from hackney, London, fought welter weight at Olympics, and won the W.B.C. light middle as pro.

  6. The only ones i recognise are Conteh, Andries and Minter which a few people have mentioned above. An interesting story aboiut Andries is that its rumoured that he was around forty when he won his first world title ( he always said he didnt 100% know his real age?) and he won three in total so must have been around his late fourtys when he retired.

  7. The one on the left on the back row is John Conteh, He was Light heavyweight champ and i think 2nd right on the back is Jim Watt who commentates for sky now.

    Nice picture anyway you look like the don of the maffia with those lads arund you!!

  8. john conteh, dennis andries, alan minter,terry downes,walter macgowan i think not to sure about rest

    as above pls post answers when expired thanks

  9. I can pick out john Conteh and Alan Minter. The one on your left may be Terry Downes who had bit parts in the Dance of the Vampires and the classic 1965 horror A study in Terror.

  10. Who cares Foreman would DESTROY Tyson and all of those guys in the picture on the same night.
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