
Who are these morons protesting at the RNC?

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I dont like the party system and will not be apart of it. I vote for the best candidit not the party. the people in a party say alot about the didnt see a bunch of morons protesting at the DNC. what does that tell you about the 2 parties? It tells me that the republicans are sensible, respectfull and socialable. and it tells me that the democrat party is full of well just the opposite.




  1. Yes i completely agree with you! The protestors are always the bad guys, and the poor people that are protested are the good guys.

    But wait a second, by that logic, wouldn't that make someone like Fidel Castro the good guy and everybody that protests him the bad guys?  


  2. The protesters are anti BUSH war !!! they have a right to free speech as well as fair treatment to protest!!!!

  3. libs

  4. They are your typical Berkeley liberals looking for a job.

  5. That's because the repubs were too d**n lazy and couldn't play up anything enough to protest the DNC.

    The Dms are way more committed to this campaign.

  6. These "morons" are practicing their right to free speech.

  7. you know that is really funny about those protesters, they stopped some of them to ask them , what they are protesting, they also asked some of them who the currant vice president of the united states was and the sec of state, funny if they are so smart they didnt even know, how funny that just cracked me up, the did not have a clue who they were protesting haha. morons. some of them i am sure were obama supporters, and if they were , all they are doing is hurting their own cause.

  8. They were probably hired by Obama's campaign

  9. morons protesting against even worse morons!

  10. I think the answer is self-evident:  democrats (AKA the new socialist/marxist party).

  11. I don't know, but I have heard that it takes one to know one ;P

  12. Their moral compass is either broken or non-existent.

  13. its been driving me insane too, that kind of protesting does absolutely no good whatsoever, it turns people away from their party, throwing objects through windows will NOT get your ideas seen, it gets your unjust actions seen

  14. And to think I thought all of you watch FOX, cause I did and they ran several bits on the protesters at the DNC convention.

    Those who protested both there and at the RNC convention are anarchists and antiwar, the antiwar group gave no one any trouble, but the anarchists are out for destruction and trouble.  Anarchists aren't Democrats.

  15. Bought and paid for rent-a-crowds paid for by Soros.

  16. You may not have seen the DNC protestors, but that was your own d**n fault.

    Take a look:

    Yep... hypocrisy knows no bounds. They call us whiners? Do your research before you waste my time.

  17. I say you can protest all you like, as long as it is peaceful.  We live in a great country where you can do that without getting your head chopped off or shot in the face.  The problem with these people is they are using violence--slashing tires, assaulting people, destroying property.  That's not protest, that's promoting thug behavior.  

  18. They're exercising their right to freedom of speech and assembly.  Do you have a problem with that?

  19. Both Democrat and Republican parties have degenerated into crime clubs, fronting for the Council on Foreign Relations, and all the special interests that make up it's membership.  They are two heads of the same coin.

    We need to start electing candidates who are not tainted by association with criminal interests, candidates who actually intend to abide by the Constitution.  This is not going to happen until the American people awaken from their stupor, and turn of the television.

    Read your Constitution.  See what this gang of thugs is doing to you.  They have perverted our system to enriching the special interests, at our expense.  We need to vote them out, and then put them behind bars.

  20. the people protesting Identify as anarchists not democrats

  21. They are American exercising their Freedoms as guaranteed by our constitution. How does the anarchists protesting the Party of Oppressive Thinking, make Republicans sensible, respectful, and sociable?

    d**n you people are Backwards!

    That is my answer.

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