
Who are they working for?

by Guest32662  |  earlier

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With the current energy crisis affecting every American with higher prices on everything that must be grown, manufactured or shippped (pretty much everything we consume), why is congress doing nothing to help the situation and actually passing legislation to worsen it? The "Cap and Trade" bill they are trying to make into law by itself is estimated to increase gas prices by $1.50/gallon

trillions of tons oil shale in the Rockies cannot be mined

billions of barrels of oil within our borders cannot be drilled for

trillions of cubic feet of natural gas cannot be tapped into

nuclear reactors cannot be built

billions of tons in coal reserves in Montana, off limits

don't even think about trying to build a hydroelectric dam

wind farms off Nantucket, too unsightly

and our President is forced to beg OPEC and others who totally hate our guts to increase their oil production for our energy needs???

China is drilling for oil 50 miles off the Florida Keys???




  1. Ditto.

    I just "love it" when they want to increase the gas taxes etc.

    And I love the argument that Europe pays more for gas and we should just be satisfied.  MORONS !!! Europeans pay so much not because of the cost of the gas but because their government adds on lots and lots of taxes on Europeans.

  2. Big question.But I think you know the answer- at least partially if not fully.If that is not true begin your journey here.It may open a new door for you that you are not aware of.

  3. There are powerful groups that oppose each of these programs because they all have negative consequences for some people or the environment, and none of them have a solid majority of the people backing it. As long as gas was cheap the American people and the congress ignored warning the an oil supply problem was pending.  We live in a democracy and Congress does what the people  want but does not lead, Now we are paying the price for our lack of foresight, but it was not our elected Representatives that made us buy the gas guzzling cars we can not now afford to drive.

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