
Who are three famous characters I could use for a themed parade?

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Me and two of my friends are going to be in a themed parade and we can't think of any good three characters to be that people will know.

I mean, we COULD do the Wizard of Oz, but we'd run out of people.

And we can't think of anything with three people besdies "The Powerpuff Girls", and I really don't want to do that. =P




  1.    It might help us help you if you explained the context of Themed Parade.

       By themed do you mean Movie Character parade? Book Character parade? Cartoon character parade? A certain Holiday parade? All or none of the above?

       You could still work on OZ. I seem to recall "3" characters most vital to the entire theme of the story, Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion.

       As far as fantasy characters go there are likely hundreds to choose from.

    3 bears

    Alice in Wonderland


    Winnie the Pooh

    Red Riding Hood

    etc. etc.

  2. Well, i'm not for sure if you've seen the show but, H20. That would be really cool to do because, the three main characters are mermaids! ( Emma,Rikki,and Cleo)

    Or maybe Nemo. ( Nemo,Dori,and Marlin)

    Maybe the Fairly Odd Parents?

    The little mermaid

    Spongebob     ( gosh i'm thinking of all underwater stuff!!)

    Chronicles of Narnia

    stuff like that... good luck and have fun!! XD

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