
Who are we? Where do wecome from?

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Who are we? Where do wecome from?




  1. The Bible (and other religious works) state where we came from.  Of course, most have there own version of creation.  American Natives have so many versions, the plains Indians one version, the Apaches another, etc.

    If you believe in the THEORY (meaning there is NO proof) of "Out of Africa", then you, like ALL Darwinists, believe that we were originally amoeba, then worms, after awhile, apes, then humanoid, and finally humans.

    Of course, these theories contradict ALL laws of physics, astronomy, etc.

    Another problem with "Out of Africa" is that the FIRST civilization was in the area of Israel and the Iran-Iraq region; the first grains ever grown by humans also were from that region; Asia, as far back as they can trace things, has ALWAYS had the greatest population; the FIRST AGRICULTURE practiced was 10,000 years ago...In what is now Mexico! (This is especially important because according to these theories, the Indians crossed an ice bridge from Siberia 10,000 years ago!)  ALL of these punch holes in the THEORIES of Darwinism (now called "evolution") and Out of Africa.

    Also, when humans ALLEGEDLY first came out of Africa, they met humans in the Fertile Cresent AND in Western Europe!

    So, you might as well just believe the Bible: it makes a lot more sense!

  2. It is generally agreed that we came out of Africa.

    See "The Seven Daughters of Eve" by Professor Bryan Sykes - professor of genetics at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University (said to be a leading world authority on DNA and human evolution) and spread out across the World when the Continents were joined.

  3. We are aliens from Mars.

  4. I think some aliens came here and porked some Cro-Magnons and volla here we are!

  5. So God created human beings in his image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female. God blessed them and said, ''Have many chidren and grow in number. Foll the earth and be its master.

  6. We are the childrens children of many many generations originating all the way back to the original two, Adam and Eve.

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