
Who are we------?

by  |  earlier

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We have always been at modern cricket matches, but are more commonly seen now then in years past. We are of great benifit to many people, but more especially to fans. We come in all shapes & sizes,some colourful, some dull. Only once has one of us caused sensation worldwide in the game.We can be found in various locations around & above the grounds.




  1. Spectator stand shades or covers. They are more useful to the spectators and I think the sensation was when one such shade had collapsed, killing a few.

  2. Good question mate!

    I really cannot think of anything other than floodlights, but what beats me is when did it cause a sensation !?! So maybe 'floodlight' is not it.

    Oh wait : is it the Ad Boards? Maybe what one of them said caused a sensation!

  3. Mascots...possibly i might add more as I think them up...please keep this question open for alap

    (as long as possible)

  4. possibly the advertising? the billboards and stuff, with the one time a sensation was caused was in south africa when gilchrist had a crack at hitting the sign advertising a $1 million win for anyone who could hit it, in the same innings he made 204

    EDIT: second guess being the banners that people bring to the ground, with the controversy being about the ones with andrew symonds and the monkey incident

    EDIT: having thought about it, commentators make sense, with the only controversy being dean jones and the terrorist comment

    EDIT: ok well since what i've already said is wrong i'll have another crack (if i keep guessing, i'll get there in the end!) but possibly the scoreboard with the incident being when the scoreboard revealed that south africa required 22 runs off one ball after a rain break in the 1992 W.C semi vs england?

    EDIT: ah, the cameramen perhaps, incident being when cameraman joe said scott muller cant bowl & cant throw

    Yes people i know i'm over doing on the guessing but i just keep thinking of possiblities lol

  5. gud question i have no idea!

    my only guess would be cammeras??

  6. This is probably wrong and way off the mark but I'm saying:


    It's the only thing I can think of that might logically (to me at least) fit the description.

  7. commentators-

    camera men

    or the more controversial "cheerleaders"

    i like the question very inventive you get a star.

    i think the right answer is flood lights

  8. Floodlights??

  9. Ah ! I think the answer is - BIRDS.

    Then again they aren't of great benfit to anyone, so maybe I should stick with my original answer and say - SCOREBOARDS.
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