
Who are we to ask Russia not to go to war with Georgia ?

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Who are we to tell Russia what to do when we started a war with Iraq and Afganistan.?




  1. Neither the US nor Britain has no business to tell Russia not to go to war with the regime in Georgia. Russia has the obligation-not only the right-to defend its allies from genocide. The US and Britain changed the government in Iraq, which shares no borders with either. So Russia has the right to topple Suck... (whatever the other part of his name is) if it wants to. Simple logic.

    And by the way, I would love to see Suck.. being toppled by the Georgians themselves and escaping to the Hague. Maybe he will even switch sides and join a Serbian independent movement there (in the Hague, in order to seek independence from Holland).

  2. We seem to think everybody else's business is our own. I think the US needs to worry about the it's own people. So what if russia wants to blow up Georgia, that is their concern.It's kind of like me telling you how to raise your kids.What you do is none of my business and who am I to think I have the right to stick my nose in where it don't belong!  

  3. the Bush Administration seems to suffer from a debilitating case of Amnesia... they can't remember much before 2005

    I laugh when I see Bush telling Russia to stand down and withdraw it's troops...

    Yeah you do realise sh*thead you invaded 2 countries without any pretext solely for selfish personal gain? (i.e. Oil revenue)

    he's one to tell people when to back off isn't he?

  4. Russia reacted to Georgia's bombing cities and massacring Ossetians, who happen to be of Russian origin.

    The president of Georgia, Saakasvili, is just a servant of the U.S.A. interests, and caused this reaction for his patrons to find an excuse and expand their establishment of missiles targeting Russia in Poland, in the Balkans and in Ukraine.

    The main differences between the Georgia case and the Iraqi case are that:

    1. Russia had to defend Ossetians and itself against U.S.A. and Georgian terrorism, while U.S.A. fabricated a false reason (Saddam's weapons never found) to invade and occupy Iraq.

    2.  Russians did not robe and steal archaeological treasures from the museums in Georgia, as the Americans did in Baghdad

    3. Russians have no Guantanamo, while U.S.A. do.

    4. Russia is not causing trouble in the neighborhood of U.S.A. while U.S.A. does, like in the Balkans, in Poland, Ukraine and Georgia.

    And who are Americans to give orders to Russia what to do when we all remember their reaction and policy against Cuba, when they felt threatened?

  5. In 1918-1920 Bolsheviks "have free" the Ukrainian workers and farmers from themselves - only to kill soon half from them during Golodomor or to destroy in Gulag.

    In 1940 - Bolsheviks tried too do the same with the Finnish workers and farmers - thank God, it did not happen.

    But the Bolsheviks-n**i project for providing freedom to the countries of Baltic, Poland, Moldova has very successfully ended.

    Well and then the Soviet tanks freed Budapest from Hungarians, Prague - from Czechs and Slovaks and Kabul - from Afghanis.

    And all this international robbery referred to as “the international help ".

  6. You need to check the dates and read some history before posting any more idiocy.

    September 11, 2001 was BEFORE we invaded Afghanistan or Iraq, as were the WTC bombing in 1993, the US Embassy bombings in East Africa in 1998, the USS Cole bombing in 2000, and MANY other attacks by Islamic terrorists in the past 3 decades.  They have been at war with us for a long time - YOU just weren't paying attention.

    Also, the situation in Georgia is completely different and Russia's behavior is more like Germany's seizure of Czechoslovakia in 1938 than any of our operations against terrorism.  We need to act decisively in Georgia so Russia's behavior doesn't escalate into something like Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939 - which is what started WWII.

  7. not sure

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