
Who are you? Chi sei tu?

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Who are you? Chi sei tu?




  1. Are you sure?

  2. Of Cos, I am always sure. No friend in life where the f**t comes the enemies? hahhaha

    ARE u sure u wanna me youtube just for u? I dun worded 2 ruin a person's bright future like CC Lee who killed 2's future for a selfishness bright richful future from the dog government of Singapore? yeah? SAF IPPT is Chi Sei Tu! woah! hahah

  3. I am the person I was born as. It is I.

  4. I'm dreaming to be.

  5. You are who you choose to be. You are who your actions make you. You are you. Nobody can take that away from you.

  6. I am the me I have chosen to be. The person that tends to pi** off certain people because I don't conform to their ways of thinking. I don't submit sellout or whatever the term is in the 21 century.

  7. I see U and U see me. hahaha, agree? cos Doggies fear colour alot by displaying same colour u used.

    Does a Dog bark or meow by copyacat?

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