
Who are you going to vote for president of USA??

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Obama or McCain




  1. Nobody, I do not support who is running for office.

  2. It's really an unfornate choice this year.  I will vote for McCain because he at least is not naive and has been around the block a few times.  Obama has absolutely no experience in running anything---and really his "record" in the senate is pretty thin.  McCain at least believes in the free enterprise economy and will not tax people to death.  In my opinion, Obama is quite a frightening prospect for President of the US.  For those who don't vote, that too is unfortunate.  As a citizen of the the greatest country in the world, it is not only our right, but our responsibility to help choose our leaders.  I admit it sometimes seems like a lost cause, but apathy is definitely NOT the answer to the issues that face this country.

  3. mccain...not because i think that he will do a good job but because i fear his less tha hussein...i don't think either one of them have this country's well being as their best interest...both of them just want to push their own private

  4. The white guy.

  5. Undecided as yet.

  6. I don't vote.

  7. .......hey mister tallyman, tally me banana.........daylight come an' me wanna go home...........

  8. McCain because he will make changes for middle Americans, and he has been in politics for 35 years or more.  He may not be a good orator, but I have faith in him.  One of the things I noticed was his arms are awkward because of the injuries he sustained as a 5 year POW.    

  9. E !!none of the above

  10. i was thinking of not voting but probably a third party

  11. Bob Barr.

    (there are more than two choices out there)

  12. Oh boy. . . .I would rather not vote for either.  Obama is fake, he can't say what HE believes in.  McCain supports too many things that I don't.  The #1 thing I disagree with is Obama's tax plan.  I also disagree with McCain's "War on Terror" plan.  Neither really support the Constitution either.  Ahhhhhhh, what to do in this messed up world?  Bob Barr would be #1 choice.

  13. me vote jesus

    praise da lord


    lets punch satan in the d**k

  14. **As an Australian I cant' vote for the President of USA but if I could I'd be voting for Obama.  I think it'd be really good for the country to have a black man as president, it'd just show how far society has come and I think that's great.**

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