
Who are you rooting for?

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I am a Caps fan...

so i am still bitter from when the wings swept us in the finals

but i want ovechkin's name on the cup before crosby

so i know its selfish but i just cant root for anyone, ill just watch and enjoy would should be great hockey

So who do you want to win and why, any particular player you like?




  1. Red Wings.

    I want Rafalski and Osgood to get a cup.Two of my favorite players in the league at the moment.

  2. I'm in a similar dilemma I'm a huge stars fan, in-fact I'm a season ticket holder and was at game 6 when the wings finally ended the dream...but I also hate Crosby and just want someone to pop him in the face (similar to how I felt about Gretzky because I was such a huge Mario Lemieux fan). Being that it would be in poor taste to root for a plane crash I guess I will root for the Wings simply so I can say "well we lost to the best".

  3. Penguins (of course)...

    I shall love the team until I die,

    and even when they suck (3 years ago)

    I will withstand taunt after taunt until yet again I can laugh at the bullies for being a hypocritical bandwagon-er...

    I love the whole team and can not chose one guy.... I have a reason to love each of them!!!!

  4. Honestly I am not rooting for anybody this time. I am really just going to sit back and enjoy this one. No favorite player either. Neither team is my team, So no vested interest

  5. I want the Penguins to win the cup because I want them to win the stanley cup since they haven't won the stanley cup since 1991.

  6. I'll be rooting for my Pens...they've been my team since I knew what Hockey was...about 20 years ago...

    ...Ruutu is my boy.

  7. The Red Wings, they are my favorite team. I really like Hank and Pavs.



  9. Red Wings, I love Chris Osgood and would love to see him bring another Cup home, especially after bumping Dominik Ha-suck from the lead spot.  Go Wings go!!

  10. i want the penguins to win because they have a lot of young guys on their team and it would be great if they could beat the wings and show the veterens that they have what it takes (ps. GO CAPS!)

  11. Wings.

    Iginla better be on the cup before Crosby.

  12. I'll admit that living in Detroit, I'm more of a Red Wings fan, but I'm a hockey fan in general too (definitely not a bandwagoner or a puck bunny).

    Favorite player: Osgood, who has been on fire in net.

    Let's go Red Wings!!!

  13. me too as a caps fan there's just no way to root for the wings after they swept em 10 years ago and the pens come on why would we caps fan root for the pens?  I WANTED DALLAS TO WIN =(

  14. I would be happy to see either team win the cup this year. I really wanted either the New York Rangers or the Montreal Canadiens to win the cup, but they both got emilinated in the 2nd round.

    I think Crosby & Malkin deserve their names on the cup this year, even through the Red Wings were clearly the best team in the NHL with the best record, so I would feel bad for them if they didn't win the cup this year.

    However, I would LOVE to see the cup come to the east this year! I can't wait until Game 1!

  15. I'm supporting the Montreal Canadiens. Yes I'm aware they're not in the finals but that won't stop me from supporting them.

  16. <----------

  17. To me it doesn't even matter.  This is going to be an excellent series..!!  Wings and Pens - Let's play some hockey..!!


  19. I'm rooting for the Wings. I would like to see Lidstrom come up big. He needs to win one as Captain. Also, I would like to see McCarty get into a fight, and maybe score a goal. He is fun to watch.

  20. Pens


  22. I am a Ducks fan so I am pretty beat up about that still.

    Anyways now I am a rooting for the Penguins, which sucks since my parents are rooting for the Red Wings.  It is a 2 on 1 at my house.  I call them Penguin murderers and they just laugh.

  23. I definitely agree with you. I don't like Red Wings and their catching up to the number of Stanley Cup Rings the Leafs have. We need some breathing space. As for the Pens, I just don't like them.

  24. Hmm. washington is not in the final. But the Penguins are. That means Crosby and Malkin will get there name on the cup before the russian bull ovechkin.

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