
Who are you to say i am too old to ride?

by  |  earlier

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too young to die. some people feel that way. i feel thats the way i feel. too many people want to put limits on what we ride, when we ride. i havent run anyone over, or put anybody at risk, so why is the DMV saying i have to renew my license every year???? i think this is like prejudice, old people unite!?




  1. s***w em! who the h**l are they to take away your joy?

  2. Enjoy your last years riding and make the best of it

  3. I'm 70 yrs old and I'm gonna ride as long as it suits ME, not anybody else. They can take my butt to jail every day of the week, ain't gonna change anything. I never seen where license make you a better driver anyway. I'm not gonna wear a helmet, either. I'm not gonna quit puttin around in a powered  parachute either.

  4. Sir, I would be honored to ride with you.  DMV deals on actuarials (sp?) and statistical records, so I think you are stuck with their garbage.  I agree that it can be unfair, but it is a fact of life.

    Good luck, and Happy riding, my friend.

  5. I think every driver, no matter what their age, should have to retake the written and driving test every 12 months.

    There are far too many blockheads out on the road, of all ages, who should not have a license.

    Teenagers with lead feet and no brains and old farts who can't even see the end of their noses are the ones who are causing most of the deadly wrecks.

    I also feel that no one should be issued a license until they have reached the age of 20 years.  Before that age they are just too damned immature to operate a 2,000 pound hunk of deadly metal on the public streets and highways.

    Old farts should be permitted to drive as long as they can pass the two tests, regardless of their age.

  6. I harldy ever see old timers driving crazy, but young punks drive like they could never die in a wreck.

  7. haha, funny, i think the others missed your point.  i have to renew my license every year... funny i have to renew my plate and insurance too.... go figure eh

    but i do think everyone should have to re-test every 5 years... it's not fair to say just old people have to... everyone should have to

    my wife for instance... can't parallel park... it would keep every driver/rider up on the proper skills they need every year they drive anyways

  8. As long as you can ride that bad boy safely, go for it! And for people who say it's unsafe for anyone to ride any two-wheeler, consider this: when I was in grade school, this boy and his sister were walking home one day. A couple of blocks from the school, they were pinned against a phone pole by a car. The girl died and the boy lost a leg. Now, does anybody ever say that walking is dangerous?      

  9. Your age is the age that most people your age have problems driving , mostly due to medical reasons . Since you are so good you will pass with no problem .I'm not far from that age myself.

    But they make all people of that age get tested to remove the ones that think they can drive but can't drive properly , or tell how far away the next car is from them.

    This should be this way but on the other hand I believe that it should be the same , yearly , from 16 until you are 25 yrs old .Do you also notice that the older the people who reply to these questions the better the spelling??

  10. Because it's a fact that a person's reflexes and driving/riding skills deminish considerably each year when they get older.  A fact of life we all need to accept.  

  11. No one is saying your too old to ride. It just may be your too old to ride a motorcycle. Perhaps you should get one of those 3-wheeled bicycles with the big basket that fits between the back wheels. You'll be able to tool around the complex just fine on that .

  12. Of course it is prejudice. It is the same reason why you have to be 16 to get a licence in the first place.  Because the average human at 15 isn't ready for the responisibility and the average older person isn't going to tell anyone when they have problems driving.  It is a safety precaution.  As long as you are of sound mind and body why are you worried?

  13. You're right darn-it. My reflexes are better now than they were in 1969. Of course I took a lot of LSD in '69 and that may have something to do with the reaction time now as compared to then. Let's march on the college campuses and over throw the "Man". Remember you can't trust anyone under 60 years old. "h**l No We Won't Go"

  14. Its ok B.O.B. Just smile and give them the finger as you ride by.

  15. Amen, Bro! I'm 59, an' not only still riding, but doin' burnouts better than the young pups! LOVE these new Twin Cams! Pumped mine up to 91 horse with stock cams! Just finished a Panhead bar-hopper; wishbone rigid frame, Sporty tank, apes... You remember 'em. Ride the p**s out'a that one too!

    Ride on, Bro!


  16. I think that if a person is 100 year old, they're still young, as long as they feel oung and still live life to the fullest. So go on. Live the life. Keep on trucking...or riding.

  17. I'm not old, but s***w them. My Grandfather and great uncle ride cross country and do it without issue. It's ageism! If you ride safe and have ridden safe for years their is no reason to treat you differently. Just flip them off, then go p**s on the building.  

  18. Hi.  I'm 68 years old and still have all my faculty's about me, however I see people every day on the road who have absolutely no business riding a tricycle let alone a motorized vehicle.  Maybe you are like me.  When my reflexes, vision and ability to function in the traffic of today decrease to the point of my being a danger to myself or to other drivers on the highway, then I'll gladly give up my license and stop driving.  The last thing I want to be is one of those old farts that can't keep up with the flow of traffic and create nothing but a moving hazard.  In my state my license was issued for 4 years.  If you're riding a motorcycle, then I think that you should be taking a test every year, if you're past 65 or 70.  We tend to lose considerable strength and balance when  we hit that age, so I personally feel that yearly tests are appropriate.  I know, I used to ride.  Just couldn't hold the damned thing up anymore and decided that it was time to give it up.

  19. I support your freedom to ride.  That being said I also support my freedom to also share the road with competent drivers.  I agree with you that they are picking on the aged, however after a specific age people begin to have medical problems that prevent them being as competent as they were in the past.  These changes progress at different rates.  Some are slowly progressing and it becomes difficult for the driver to determine they're competent.  The progression of cataracts is one of those.  Many people are not aware that they're no longer able to see as well.  A regular driving test, altho a bummer for you, may actually save some lives.

  20. i have been involved in 2 car accidents not at fault and both times it was with people over 60 years old. i totally agree with the previous comment.

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