
Who are you voteing for, I like Obama's Tax plan but this is all, McCain's Tax plan will bring us more in debt

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I don't like obama's spending plan, or some of this other ideas, or the lean to "goverment does everything for you"

McCain will also lead us into more debt

but i do like some of his Policies, and ideas

what is your opinion?




  1. In my opinion, placing an even more excessive tax burden on those who effectively pay all our tax revenue as it is...will only continue to drive them off to nations where their jobs and investment are welcome.

    You don't really believe they will stick around and take it do you? They didn't get rich by being stupid.

    So it is reasonable to say that the excessive spending you don't like, coupled with the loss of revenue when we chase off the tax revenue providers will not bode well for our future.

  2. When will people learn that when you "tax the rich" more, it only ends up affecting the middle class?

    After all, when the "rich" own the businesses and you "tax the rich" more...they have less incentive to give us, the middle class who work for them, raises and benefits. Or they relocate to another country, and all of us middle class who worked for them are now out of jobs.

    Yeah...taxing the rich more and more is a great idea.

  3. I would like a link that supports the fact that McCains Tax Plan will do that. History supports the fact that when TAXES are lowered Government Revenue goes up.

    Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts—and the Facts

    Myth #1: Tax revenues remain low.

    Fact: Tax revenues are above the historical average, even after the tax cuts.

    Myth #4: Capital gains tax cuts do not pay for themselves.

    Fact: Capital gains tax revenues doubled following the 2003 tax cut.

  4. I think we need ol Slick Willy back in the "Seat"!..Ya cant beat a man who loves a good cigar!

  5. Obama is too wasteful with our tax dollars.

    He has one of the worst records in all the watchdog groups. The biggest group gives him better marks than most but it is dismal.

    They give McCain something like 3rd or 4th from the best in government waste.

    We need people with the maturity to understand this isn't just free money to throw around and waste for the heck of it. American people made this money and expect it to be spent wisely. You just can't dip into the rich's pockets because you can't control your own wasteful spending.

    People want to believe what they hear instead of look at the hard facts about Obama. They will deny Obama's wasteful spending, just like they will deny the surge has worked, that we were not attacked again just by chance, that wiretapping isn't eavesdropping on terrorists but simply regular citizens, etc.

    It's all about denial wanting to be in a safe cocoon and thinking if you pretend hard enough things will be true how you hope instead of how they are.

    Very few will have the guts to look at Citizens Against Government waste and understand that these people are made up of both sides of the isle and realize it was set up to track Republicans when they were out of control with wasteful spending. Over a million members whose goal is to track those who waste our money. They would rather listen to sound bites with political hype and run their life accordingly.

    For instance look at Louis here. Just following political talking points without the ability to investigate on his own. This naivety is what got us president Carter who trashed our economy the worst since the Great Depression.

    These are the people that will always be driving around a lemon wondering why they keep getting screwed on buying a car because  they listen to the salesman instead of doing research of their own.

    It's not about picking a team to cheer for. It's about being mature enough to realize that it is your money they are spending and it affects YOUR life, so the pompoms can be put down.


    Of course it is rocket science. The "super rich" running Mexico. LOL!

    That's like the super rich running Dollar General Store.

    Mexico is about crime and criminal control of that country, not the rich.

    The nonsense slays me.

    As long as the poor runs this country the super rich of Mexico will cause their people to jump over the fence into America.

    Get a CLUE. The richest of the rich runs American and that is the very reason they are jumping the fence to get her.

    BTW, don't look directly into the sun. HTH

  6. This country has fallen into the usual trend of capitalism where the rich get richer and the money goes nowhere.  It stays in the families that earned if forever and  McCain isn't going to change that.  

    My mother is an immigrant so I guess I could be referred to as a first generation American.  This country really does give you an opportunity to create wealth.  No one ever said it was easy but the individual who created the site were using right now did it.  Ted Turner did it.  Bill Gates did it.  

    Enter the ESTATE TAX.  If you don't know what this is I suggest you really take 5 minutes and give it a look:

    In short, if you have made a significantly large amount of capitol as a benefit of our American Capitalist system, when you die, you're heirs MUST give some back.  The number varies but I believe it's around 40% of net worth.  That money goes back into the economy to be used accordingly.  Both Bill Gates and his father support this tax.

    McCain has too many special interests to ever lets this tax occur but Obama doesn't.  I'm not saying Obama will employ it but at least there's a chance.  

    At the rate that things are going, do we really want 50 families to control every red cent of this countries economy?  Oh wait... they already do.

  7. If you want to see how well it works for the super rich to rule the country all you have to do is look at Mexico.

    They don't ship jobs over seas and the middle class and the poor pays all the taxes.  They work them 12 hours a day for about $2.  they can't even buy a place to live or food to eat.

    that is why they are jumping over fences to come to America.

    So give the super rich all the power and we can have what they do in Mexico.  They do not have universal health care.

    You want to see a doctor you pay for it.  That is why most die from curable diseases.  Not the rich they have excellent health care.  But they are not in the majority.

    The average man is a virtual slave and the Rich slave owners.

    That is less government interference.

    The rich class rules the courts and makes the laws.

    We are rapidly becoming Mexico.  

    If your in the rich class than I can see why you would want that.

    cheap labor, don't have to pay for health care for employees.

    The government does nothing for the people so you basically rule over the average guy in the street.

    Social security is some 80 year old women selling gum on the beaches.  Or when she can't walk anymore holding out a cup for the poor to put in a few pennys so she can eat that day.  Rich do not contribute to keep the poor who can not work alive.  They do not have nursing homes, welfare or orphans beg in the streets and young girls 13 are prostituteing to tourists just for enough money to eat that day.

    Do the rich care?  No they have a household staff full of servants they hire the young girls to work in their house and use them for s*x themselves.

    Can they get free schooling to raise above this situation?

    No, to go to school you have to pay to go to school so only rich get schooling.

    That is less government interference.

  8. McCain,

    i disagree i feel mccain will in time bring in more revenue for the country and i love his policies and?or ideas

  9. McCain is another Bush and you can see what he has done for the economy.  He bails out the super rich and the poor has gotten poorer.  

    Can our ecomony take another 4 years of Bush policys and survive?  I doubt it.

    Obama is for the poor and instead of helping out the rich and big business, he is for helping the poor.  

    To cut a tiny portion of the hand outs for the rich would more than supply the few spending for the poor.

    He is not government leaning, that is what they want you to think.  Who has been more government leaning than Bush?

    Clinton who was for the people and no more paid handouts to the rich.

    Look at the record?  During Bush the country is more in debt than any other previous president.

    Another Bush and the ecomony folds.  How long can you borrow before your business goes under?

    Clinton paid down the debt and made the ecomony stable.

    He talked to other countries and rather than encourageing war, avoided it.  They refuse to talk to leaders because they want war they are making money off war.  But what happens when they lead the country into a nuclear holocost?

    Can you really afford that to happen?

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