
Who are you voting for, Obama or McCain?

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Who do you like better?




  1. Hillary supporter for McCain/Palin.^

  2. McCain of course

    1. McCain has over 30 yrs of proven experience, character, leadership, personal ethics, clear vision on American needs, proven knowledge of foreign affairs, lower taxes, proven judgment,Graduated from the United States Naval Academy,US congressman for 26 years,ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee,Chairman of the powerful Senate Commerce Committee,Member of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs,has voted with his party only 63% of the time showing he is willing to put the country ahead of political parties. John McCain a REAL PATRIOT  has 17 Medals, including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross and 4 Commendations and 2 Citations,to earn those commendations,McCain stayed in the POW camp, not for future political leverage, but because he put the good of all before his own well being.That alone is proof of a great leader!! What do you have an Obama bumper sticker?  

    2.Obama the Junior Senator. He has only been a Senator for 18 months.But with all the recesses, four day weekends, campaigning and absences, Obama has only spent about 6 weeks of workdays on the Senate floor as one of the most extreme liberal junior Senators,voted with his party 97% of the time according to an independent study (the highest percentage of any senator). Most of his votes, about 80% when he was not absent, have been "present"  or "abstain".

    He also chairs a committee on Afghanistan that has never met because the chairman has never called a meeting. As a trial lawyer he only tried 14  cases in court - and minor ones at that.

    As a "community organizer" his major cause was getting the asbestos out of  a housing project. After 2 years of trying, the asbestos was still there when he left and is still there even now that he is a Senator and presumably has some pull to get things done.

    That's it. Obama's entire real world work resume. 145 days experience in the Senate with nothing to show for it, only 3 bills passed.  Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.Two years as a lawyer and only 14 minor trials. And two years as a "community organizer" with nothing  accomplished.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one to chose doe

  3. oboma....

  4. Republican gone Obama - I am done with my husband being away from our family - this is his third deployment and to me thats enough.

  5. McCain

  6. Obama/Biden

  7. OBAMA!!!!!

    but i cant vote so i wear my button everyday and tell people to vote 4 him!!

  8. Obama For Change! Obama for Change!

  9. Obama!  

  10. McCain is at least not promising to totally s***w up our nation. I'll stick with that guy.

    Obama is promising to do all sorts of horrible things to our economy, to give our money away to his buddies in foreign nations (without asking the to reform their ways)... and his religious upbringing amounts to "hate whitey".  Not exactly good Presidential material.

  11. definitely obama..............he'll give d americans wat they really need.....right policies nd PEACE

  12. McCain / Palin '08

  13. Obama hands down.  I may like McCain but I would never consider voting for another term for Bush.  

  14. McCain/Palin

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