
Who are you voting for '08 and what state do you live in?

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I'm going to be voting for Obama. This is going to be my First year I've choosen to Vote. and I live in Pasadena, Tx.




  1. wise choice madam :)



  2. McCain - Illinois- Obama's state.

  3. Democrat for McCain/Palin, from the proud State of Arizona.

  4. McCain.

    I live in Indiana.

    I remember Obama's run for Senator in Illinois and there's no way I'd vote for him. It is him caused me to leave the Dem party and become republican.

  5. McCain, Florida

  6. Obama. Texas.

    We sure do get the shaft don't we. All we get to vote for is the popular vote. Sincew Texas is as RED as a firetruck

  7. if i could vote i would vote for Obama, the rest of my family is. McCain though his wife should enter a topless contest!!!!

  8. McCain- Illinois!

    Obama is the next anti christ! and is a communist!

  9. Obama, North Dakota.

  10. McCain/Palin =  New Mexico  x2  (including spouse).

  11. if i could vote it would be obama, michigan

    also my entire family will be voting for obama, which is 5 other people

  12. Obama Wisconsin

  13. McCain/Palin from the state of Illinois. That's Obama's state

  14. Barack Obama! Southern Ohio.

  15. Obama - Alabama.

  16. Obama, Sweet home Alabama!

  17. McCain / Palin - I live in NY.

  18. Obama! Arizona, but like my vote is going to count in this Redneck Republican haven! haha!

    Go Obama!!!!

  19. McCain/Palin

    I am from a small town in Indiana, that borders Illinois I know Obama's reputation/politics.

  20. Im sure as heII not voting for OSama/BiNLAden.

    McCain all the way for me.

  21. Obama '08 from California!! This is the first year I'm able to vote & it came at the perfect time

  22. Obama

  23. McCain, Illinois, the home state of senator obama who?

  24. McCain


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