
Who are you voting for (and one reason why)?

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just looking for one reason. not justification, necessarily, just a reason. i'm just curious.




  1. Obama

    McCain has lost it... literally.

  2. Mccain...he would be much better with the economy and security.

  3. while democrats will say not mccain because hes another bush is that really a reason or an excuse!

    im voting for mccain hes been right in all the key issues iraq,healthcare,taxes,oil...there all right on the money

  4. Obama.. because McSenile is a traitor!  

  5. John McCain, character and understanding service before self.

  6. OBAMA, because he is for g*y rights and does not support the right wing Christin agenda.  

  7. McCain/Palin - Barry is a socialist! I vote based on my wallet

  8. I am voting for John McCain. One reason why is I would never ever vote for a Dem after the way they have slandered Palin's children. I have lost and respect I had left for the Dems.  

  9. McCain/Palin.

    McCain has leadership, and can honestly help the country he also has great military experience.

    plus Im so fed up with Obama practically "Promising the world" to people. He is also way to "wishy-washy". Also he states that this plan will be done, in 10 years, and this will be done in 10 years. In 10 years he won't be in office so when that plan goes horribly wrong, He won't be blamed.

    McCain for the win!

    Oh and why vote for someone who won't respect the American flag! (Obama) I mean all we ask is you put your hand over your heart during the National anthem, but yet he can't even do that.

    I'd rather have someone who actually "Loves and cares" about the country as our president.

  10. McCain/Palin - Because I share the same opinion of the military that he does. Obama wants to stop all research on future weapons systems and reduce the size of the military to nothing more than a defense force.

  11. McCain - concern about raising taxes and the recession it could cause.

  12. McCain because I don't believe his policies will force the need to raise taxes.

  13. McCain - Best of two evils

  14. McCain.........leadership

  15. I am not voting and the reason why I am not voting is because I am not interested in politics, get it!?

  16. McCain: I want to see a team that has been here for this country and actually salutes the American Flag and stands up for our country as an AMERICAN.  

  17. This veteran with a child in the service is voting for Obama.   Just say no to neocons!

  18. you know i was unsure of who to vote for but after watching obamas smear campaign against palin and saying that she is not qualified enough without mentioning that she is gov of alaska,says a lot to me coming from him that means that he to is not qualified either,and they say that mccain could die,well they could find a vp to replace palins spot,ive done my research and my vote goes to mccain/palin(enough of the obama negativity)!!

  19. Not McCain, I don't want 4 more years of the last 8 years.  

  20. McCain, because he has so much more experience. He also served in the military, so he knows what it is like to actually defend our country.

  21. mccain/palin: record.

  22. McCain as of now


    So the money I work for can be mine.

  23. McCain and Palin, because I would rather look at Palins s**y legs for 4 years

  24. Obama, because he is a great leader and even though im not old enough to vote i greatly support him. And he has already made history by being black and making it this far. OBAMA! OBAMA!

  25. Obama/Biden, The country needs to change the way we deal with foreign countries. Our Economy needs a new plan, we need jobs here! We need to waste money on Iraq and get all my friends back home!! There has to be a new Immigration reform. ummm... so many reasons! Unless you think that we are living in the best time of American History we need Obama/Biden in charge.

    To all those who vote McCain bc he is "patriotic", Bush is one of the most "patriotic" persons, but look where that got us!!! Why not choose someone who can think instead of someone that just does things bc he can......

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