
Who are you voting for and the biggest question is why?

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I am a Democrat but McCain is looking really promising? I am confused now! Please shed some light on me!




  1. I am voting McCain. I too am a democrat for over 30 years.I choose to vote McCain because I feel Obama does not have the experience,I do not like his associations with certain people,the facts that he has changed his stands countless times on his back round and his policies. And mainly because I feel he is being voted for the color of his skin. Good luck in figuring this election out.McCain has always rode the edge, and I like the stand he is taking on being bipartisan.

  2. McCain.

    His values are the same as mine. His service to this country is impeccable. He would make a good, strong leader in these tough times. The other candidate is charming, but lacks any real political experience. And his style of government is scary.

  3. OBAMA!

    yes, McCain does have a government history, but so does bush, and i wouldn't vote for him again! Plus weather its foreign oil or our own oil, its still going to hurt our planet the same!

  4. Well, I am supporting McCain for the following reason.  First he is a Hero, not that that is a qualification t be a President, but it does show an ability to remain calm and composed under the most freightening and dangerous circumstances.  Also, he does have a long history of trying to reform DC from lobbying to trying to cap the debt. It may not be a perfect piece of legislation but at least it was the first attempt.  I don't think DC cn accomplish any of it's lofty goals without reforrming first.    Plus economically speaking, Washingto does not need more tax money from us, it needs less spending. Obama wants to rasie taxes on capital gains, but this is the biggest incentive device to promote business activity in this country.  We also have the 2nd highest corpoate tax plan in the world...this needs to change.  And finally, terrorism is stil a big threat...and Iran is funding a lot of it and I think too many people feel it is no longer a problem, but it is.  Also, we need further survelliance techniques in this country of suspected terrorist plots.  many of which will be removed if Obama becomes president, a liberal and ACLU plan.  If we do not wire tap certain individuals how are we going to discover these plots!!Oh and on't forget the judges', Obama will appoint ultra liberal judges who have no problem prohibiting a boy scount troop from meeting in a public building because they believe in a God, or a town can't put up a christmass display or more rights go to criminals then victims.  So these are some of my reasons.  Good or bad, I'll go with the tried and true hero.

  5. Historically Democrats vote Republican when they are dissatisfied with the party selection. I applaud your integrity.

    Obama is scary, isn't he? McCain looks much more stable and has ideas and, more importantly, the ability to carry them out.

    Obama just wants another entry on his resume.

  6. McCain/ Palin = Have made changes.

    Obama/Biden = Talk about making changes.

    McCain's choice of Palin as his vp took balls and he went against what the other white insider Washington dudes wanted.

    That is what I call courage.

    Palin has the same kind of courage to buck the system.

  7. I was a democrat, but no longer.  I am voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because McCain stands up for the people of our country and doesn't back down because the other corrupt politicians don't agree with him.

    He served in the US Armed Forces, something Obama has not.  I wouldn't want Obama making life and death decisions for any of our military members without having firsthand knowledge of what life is like for them and the harm he will be putting them in.  Not a good mix.

    He has roughly 760 days in the Senate, voting yeah or nah on issues.  Many of them which he just refused to vote on.  That's not really experience.  Palin has 600+ days in office as Gov and has accomplished more than Obama has.

    Obama's judgement doesn't seem right.  How do you spend 10+ years in a church with someone like Rev Wright and not have an issue with his behavior?  Especially when you want to represent a large mix of races in the US?

    He's still flip-flopping on the issues.

    And he WILL raise taxes for us.  He's just not pointing out that the taxes for businesses will directly affect consumers.

    McCain wants to reform the public education system.

    He wants to make quality healthcare become attainable not just a government run healthcare system.  Being military let me tell you, we have a government run medical program and it's horrible!  I would never want that for anyone.  Just look at the trouble injured vets have coming back from the middle-east.  Is this the kind of careless care you want for you and your family?

    Those are just to list a few reasons.....

  8. I find that the introduction of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket has energized my enthusiasm for this election and, on the issues, Palin is right on target with mine, so she is the primary reason I am voting for McCain/Palin, however, after listening to McCain, and learning about how much he really and truly loves this country, and gave so much of his life, and his body, and his suffering for this nation, I cannot think of a better person with more relevant life and career experience to Lead in the Oval Office as the President of the United States under the current circumstances.

    Take Care and God Bless.

  9. Obama.

    McCain, although he says he's a maverick, usually always votes with Bush and the party.  I also think that McCain does double speak.  For example, he mentions constantly that we should all vote for him because he was a POW, yet he voted against giving further aide to his fellow veterans at least 18 times in the last 12 years.    

    Another reason I wouldn't vote for McCain is Palin.  She just doesn't have the experience needed for being VP.   She has NO foreign policy experience, and the speech she gave the other night was filled with misinformation.

  10. McCain because he isn't a socialist like obama!

  11. Not promising to me, I think he's very connected to Bush; he won't bring about change.

    I am voting for Obama because he cares about the middle class.

    McCain and Palin cannot relate, they've always been wealthy.

    I do not want to see McCain re-implement the draft (and believe me, he will) to see my future offspring go off to war.


  12. mccain

  13. Obama All The Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    He Wants What's Best For Education,Imigration,Ending War!!!!

    Plz Answer Mine;...

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