
Who are you voting for this year to became president???

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and why???????




  1. MCCANN and mostly because of his vp pick SARAH PULIN she is pro 2nd amendment ,against murdering children, a devoted mother,and has real experiance as a governor who isnt afraid to take on here own party probably keep mccann straight!!!And i just dont trust obamas change i think that means higher taxes, hes hiding something!!!! SO I VOTE MCCANN / PULIN

  2. McCain / Palin

    foreign policy, energy, etc.  

  3. Write in for Hilary...or a redo....I dislike both of the ones we have.

  4. Mcain/Palin - they are not Barry and a socialsit, McCain is the lesser of two evils

  5. McCain.

    He can deliver, because his ideas are realistic and sure Obama can give a great speech but its all talk.

  6. I was going for Ron Paul, but that's a dream now. Barrack Obama/ Joe Biden have my vote!

  7. Mr. Potato Head.

  8. Sarah or Bristol v****a

  9. McPalin

    Obama has given a few speeches, but hasnt done anything much besides that.  He is too superficial and unaccomplished politically

  10. Sarah Palin.  She is a woman.

  11. Barack Obama. Because I am just about SICK of Republicans.

  12. Obama The Great

  13. Obama-can't stand the thought of 4 more years of McSame.

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