
Who are your 5 favourite users from the other side?

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i know there is a lot of hate on this section, i am trying to create peace. who are your 5 favourite users from the other side?

israelis and their suporters can name 5 palestinians and their supporters

palestinians n supporters can name 5 israelis or their supporters

i will give my list after seeing the answers. let's try to be serious. no hateful comments please. thanks.




  1. Pali supporters

    Beautiful Sunset

    Crystal (PSM)

    9 (S&SU) (PSM)



  2. No one mentioned my name.That hurts.I thought I was everyone's favorite n**i.

  3. Wow, what a diffucult question.

    With many of these jewish members I think I could sit and talk for different things that have nothing to do with the Palestinians.

    But on the other hand this thing is so BIG!

    I mean many nights I sit near the fireplace and think why these Arabs must suffer so much and those people that their ancestors lived the horror of Fascism, not only they don't lift a finger to help them or accept them for what they are and open their homes wide to accept them, like how we do in my country when poor immigrants come for a better life, but always try to kill them.

    My country is not as rich as Sweden or England and certainly is not as rich as Israel but there's always some food left for the hungry.

    Why don't these jewish people see that the Palestinians never had the intention to sacrifice their beautiful children for that piece of land of theirs.

    That was the only thing the jews did not take from them.

    I am sorry that I have to say those things so often and I sometimes I cursed myself of writing such things but these people have been suffering a whole lot more than any jew in history.

    And on the other hand you have these little boys and girls, jews from all over the world, living in fine houses attending to fine Western schools and Colleges, having an opinion on the matter.

    You see,when you write of peace and cease fire is easy, I admit it, but when you come to write about hate and death and torture you need a black heart to match those words.

    I  like JD although he makes me mad sometimes, because I can't understand the real purpose of his support to the jews and that confuses me a lot.

    But I like his sense of humor and his "off the wall" perception of things

    I like Lene too because she is very honest and sensitive.

    Kismet is nice and smart as well,

    Moneymax, Vansemmanuel, NY Chuspah, haggerpotter are smart people and I like them

    From the "supporter's" side, that's easy as you can understand,I like Crystal, X L M T D, Beyson, Steel, Shyster of course, Dancer, B (I like her sense of humor too) and so many others that I can't remember their names and maybe even like them more than these people.

    Finally when someone from the Palestinian side of israel writes I am amazed of how sweet and low tone their comments are. NO anger, no fear, no fanatisism. Very cool. I like the Palestinians a lot.

    bye bye

  4. I'm usually not writing any answer i like 2 read them and vote for them.

    i like irit from the israeli - she very honest

    i like crystal from the palestinians - she is ok

    1 n' 1 will do.

  5. i like irit answers she doesn't have rude answers.

    i like lene too she always think about good staf

    i like few more but i don't remember the user name ( irit and lene was the easy 1 for me lol)

    there is some of the Palestine's nice too but i don't remember names please forgive me

  6. I don't have any. I support Palestine. Zionists on this category are generally rude,insulting and ignorant.  

  7. Considering not being here that long,

    i like all the Pal's supporters and don't believe there're any on Zion's side where i usually don't read their responses.

    However, there're a couple that Ive not figured them out yet!

    PS. thanx Crystal... LOL, I'm flattered and OK, I'll try to find a better avatar! any suggestions?!!

  8. There isn't.

    99% of Palestine supporters on here are extremeists who would support anything to get rid of Israel.

    Alot of them also hate Jews.

  9. how nice

    i am not really good in names

    but still i will try




    sure their questions and stared ones most of the time are very interesting

    dalia from palestine

    bahir as well sunset dr nadia in few places]


    i m sorry limits of 5 is not fair

  10. I'm not here allot but i like irit and lene they are very sweet and good for peace  

    i didn't have a Chance to know Palestines yet

  11. My favorites from the Palestinian side

    1) Roger (The Top Contributor from Engineering section) He has been a contact long before he started coming here.

    2) Beautiful Sunset (My brother just loves her and thinks that she is so cute)

    3) Palisupporter91 (He is an idiot, but like a younger brother to me)

    4) X L M T D (He never responds to my emails unless I send him reminder emails)

    5) [ ImpaKt ]@ WUSSY $ions!? (I just like him, not his avatar though)

    Regardless, I love all the Palestinian supporters.

    Israel side

    1) dandyl (She is the least offensive)

    2) Claymore (The Israeli girl/woman who is all for peace)


  12. Kismett, JD, Londoner in Israel(although not around much anymore) the new girl Claymore, and for the life of me i cant remember his nic, but he is a very polite boy, something like vanse... he will know im sure. Cheers!

  13. MBC




    Ultra n

    If you really want Jewish answeres don't ask on Saturday.

  14. Referring to the Israeli "side" I would have to say:

    Hamarker- He's gone now for a while, but he would always try to be positive and ask questions that would give hope for the future.

    Kismet-She's very sweet and also tries to build bridges and approach people with an open heart.

    Londoner in Israel- Not sure if he's around these days, but a very cool guy who likes to understand and learn from different perspectives while sharing his.

    Ultra N- Well this is for he's raving lunacy, but at least we all get a laugh.

    Tequila- She is always quick to give links and information to counter an argument instead of blabbering.

    There are others, but you said five, so there they are. Not all of the following from both sides are "favorites" in the traditional sense, but honorable mention goes to JD, Lebaneez t**z, Annt Hu de Shalit (what the h**l does that mean anyway!!!??), Duke of Tudor, ABC, ivri anokhi, mimi, b, oh gosh, there are many, but I'll leave it at that.


  15. Wow, good question.  Since the 'other side' has such a different view (which I do not agree with), I cannot nominate any of them.  I do however give my love to all those who support the palestinian struggle.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Only a few individuals on this site have made me want to read their responses. However they are not Israeli supporters. My top Pali pics are Zeno, Jurgen, Maya, Bahira and Brynn. As for Israeli supporters I can't think of any on the site. Although in real life I love my jewish buddies and I have lost many muslim friends over them.

    oh yeah and DasReich

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