
Who are your annoying coworkers?

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I work in a cubicle bay with a whole bunch of random people and they seem to be the most annoying people on the face of the earth! I'm just posting this for fun because I know there is no way to change them and I am sure I have annoyed them a time or two. The thing is, I certainly try to be respectful and quiet as much as possible while I am working throughout the day (including softly eating, talking, laughing, etc. out of respect for everyone else). Anyway, I am posting this because I wanted to know what types of people you all have to work with out there and how they drive you nutty. It just feels so good to vent. Here is a round up of my coworkers:

1) Absolutely Crazy Girl - she arrives 2 hours later most days and when she comes in, its as though a hurricane hits (keys slamming on her desk, plastic bags shuffling, drawers opening, her laptop beeping), she talks to herself most of the day (usually agreeing or disagreeing with whatever she is reading - its so weird!), she randomly will stand up and stare at me without saying a word and then sit back down, she'll slowly walk around behind our side of the cubicles and daydream walking from window to window looking down at the street but also giving me that creepy feeling that she's actually spying on me from behind), she forces conversation with her coworker next to her and then laughs unneccesarily loud and prolonged, she sneezes a few times of day louder than any person ever should and calls out to everyone in our cubicle bay saying "oh my, excuse me!" (it usually scares the pants off me because though they are frequent, they are always out of nowhere).

2) Miserable Manager Chick - she whines on the phone, she complains about her coworkers to another coworker for all to hear, she's just all around unhappy. Its so depressing.

3) Mr. Coffee Slurper - he's new, and often very quiet, but he slowly slurps coffee all day long.

4) Old, Run-Down, Guy Who Really Should Just Retire Already - he's known for the "walking sigh"...he gets out of his seat and walks to the copier or soda machine at least 12 times a day and in doing so, never fails to let loose the longest, loudest, most depressing, hissing "please kill me now" sigh each time he walks past. He also coughs and sneezes all day long, to the point you wonder if he shouldn't just take a few days off to let himself get better or perhaps finally retire and get his immune system working again!

5) Loopy Grandma - this lady is really sweet (almost too sweet if you know what I mean), but talks on the phone all day long with her friends and family. She has a persistent cackling laugh that goes on and on until the person on the other end of the phone finally needs to "let her go"...and with that, she immediately dials someone else.

I'd love to hear your stories and 10 points to the best one!




  1. I'm still in school, but I'll tell you about some of the annoying schoolmates I have.

    1. Ireland Boy - This kid was born in Ireland and won't let you forget it. He's also obsessed with pencil sharpeners, but never seems to remember his own notebook paper.

    2. Smarties Boy - Okay, he is by far the weirdest. This kid would smash up Smarties with his fists, roll up a dollar bill, and snuff them up through his nose. In the middle of class.

    3. Locker Blocker - The girl who's locker was below me was very dominant. She would never let you get to your own locker, and she'd spread out her stuff so that people passing by in the halls would trip over it. She was slightly crazy....

    4. Potential Liberace - This "boy" would go around singing Britteny Spears and Jessica Simpson. One day he came to school with red lip gloss and cover-up on...

    5. Glued to the Hip Gal - This girl is super nice. But she stays with you forever! It's like your joined at the hip, or something. She's always there, always chattering, always helping, and always annoying.

  2. I am a teacher and we just got a new member on our team. Already he is rubbing people the wrong way. He is an ex-marine, speaks four languages and thinks he knows it all.   He will get you into a conversation and will not stop talking.  You literally have to almost walk away in order to get him to shut up.  He can be rude.  The first couple of days, he seemed to be very nice. Since school has started, our team has seen another side.  One person knows him and told us that he's a 'trip'.  As the team leader,  I will have to do what I can do smoothe things over and make sure that everyone is treated fairly and I will be friendly, but I don't know what I'll do if he snaps on me like he did no someone else on my team who was only trying to help him.  He made this comment  - "Do you think I'm stupid?  I know what I am doing!  She had only asked him if he needed any help.  Some people.  

  3. LMAO

    I work in an office work right now actually, in an office,in a cubicle.

    lemme see...

    1)Teenage wannabe from the 70's: She has a daughter who is 16, and I swear she borrows her clothes. She has a 70's hairstyle, and wears REALLY short skirts. I am always suckered into hearing stories about her 16yr old daughter, and how she is getting another tattoo or piercing or boyfriend.

    2) Old Mother Hubbard: This woman's last name is Hubbard, she has hair like a witch, and is a girl guide leader. I have never seen her smile, and I swear (no joke) her hair sticks our 2ft off her head from frizz.

    3)Buckwheat: She has the biggest buck teeth in history, and wears the strangest hairstyle from the 80's. She has no sense of fashion, and I'm pretty sure she scares little kids.

    4)The Boss: You can never find him, untill you hear him laugh. He wears his pants up to his arm pits,and he makes really really really runny oatmeal in the AM.

    There's more...but right now I am being suckered into yet another story from Teenage I

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