
Who are your favorite little guys playing in the majors?

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For nofear, Mike Fontenot and Willie Harris.




  1. Alexi Ramirez of the White Sox for sure. He has the waist of a 10 year old. He is all skin and bones, but man, he can hit and play the field!

  2. Shane Vic the Flyin Hawiian

  3. ANDRUW JONES [I ♥ HIMMM!] literally

    thenn Yunel Escobar

  4. The Cuban Missile, Alexei Ramirez.  That guy is a twig, but man is he strong!

  5. David Eckstein...i love the intensity he plays with.  Not to mention knowing that half his immediate family is on the kidney transplant list.

  6. man i love watching dustin pedroia hes my hero

  7. In the AL, I like Dustin Pedroia.  

    NL  Shane Victorino

    Both guys are extreme hustle players and give more than they should be able to the game.

  8. Dustin Pedroia and Freddy Sanchez of pittsburgh no one realizes he one the batting title a couple years ago, he is also a great defender......And Dustin Pedroia is just plain fun the watch he swings so hard and plays even harder, I got a lot of respect for the little man

  9. Shane"The Flyin' Hawaiian" Victorino. Maybe the fastest guy in all baseball. The guy plays all-out, all the time.

    Dustin Pedroia. Also an all-out player who puts every ounce of his being into his swing.

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