
Who are your five favorite trainers of all time (thoroughbred)?

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Who are your five favorite trainers of all time (thoroughbred)?




  1. I will always admire Michael Matz the most, simply because I know where he came from and his rather incredible history, which reads like a Hollywood fairy tale in some ways. The first time I noticed Matz was over 30 years ago, when I was just 12. The year was 1976, and Matz had made his very first appearance in the Olympic Games, riding on the show jumping team in Montreal. At that time, no one knew much about him, or who he was or would become, outside of a very small group of people in the show jumping world. That first Olympics was a disaster for him- he got eliminated in the first round- but he must have learned something, because he was back a few years later.

    During the years that followed, Matz rode one famous show jumper after another- and began to build a real reputation for himself, both as a competitor and as a professional. The list of horses which he rode to fame is impressive enough- it includes such notable names as Jet Run, Heisman, Rhum IV, The Governor, Judgement, and many others. There would be two more trips to the Olympics in his future, and Matz would win silver medals at both. But it is the events which happened prior to the first of these trips which have forever established Matz as a hero in my mind- and I will always remember them. In July of 1989, Matz not only survived the crash of United Airlines flight 232, which went down in a cornfield outside of Sioux City, Iowa, he actually went back into the burning wreckage of the downed plane to rescue 3 children who were trapped in the same part of the wreckage that he had been in, forever establishing himself as a hero and a lifesaver from that moment on. This is a man who has faced DEATH and survived it- and who has walked into fire and come out alive on the other side. NONE of the other major trainers who are currently active today can make this claim. Matz risked HIS LIFE to do what he did- and for me, one of the proudest moments of my life came when Barbaro crossed the finish line at the Derby in front in 2006, because it was at that moment that Matz fulfilled the potential I saw in him when I was a 12 year old kid. It's always nice when one's heroes experience so much success in their endeavours. There's another reason I admire Matz so much- he's one of the most humble and compassionate people I have ever seen, either in or out of the sport of racing or show jumping. He's in this sport because he earned the right to be there- nobody gave it to him on a silver platter, which unfortunately is the case for a lot of these other guys.  His horses respond to him because he genuinely cares about their welfare, and he's also a rare example of someone who ISN'T motivated by money, the way people like D Wayne Lucas, Bob Baffert, and Nick Zito all are. Compared to these guys, Matz will always be a small time player, or small potatoes, as the saying goes. He's no millionaire- and he wasn't born into wealth or privilege, the way some of these other guys were.

    Apart from Matz, the only other trainer I really admire a lot would have to be Frank Whiteley, Ruffian's trainer, but for different reasons. The accounts I have read of Whiteley's life remind me of those of some of the people I know who are really good parents- because that's what he was like, at least where that filly was concerned. During the entire time Ruffian was with him, he only made one mistake with her- it was just heartbreaking that this mistake turned out to be the biggest one of his life. Whiteley paid a terrible price in the months and years following the filly's death- and so did everyone else associated with her. Because he was her trainer, he took the brunt of the blame for her death- and man, did people ever malign him. It takes real courage to continue in one's profession in the face of that kind of criticism and adversity- and I admire that. Larry Jones, Eight Belles' trainer, has had a taste of what Whiteley went through, and he too has been very strong and forthright throughout the whole tragic experience of losing his filly. He has even defended her jockey, which says something about who he is and what kind of character he has.

    The last two trainers I would have to say I admire at least a little bit are Charlie Winningham, and believe it or not, Bill Shoemaker, who became a trainer after he was paralyzed in a car accident and couldn't ride any more. It's not easy to start over when you suddenly learn that you will never walk or ride again- and Shoemaker did that with a lot of grace.

  2. Charlie Wittingham

    Ron McAnnaly

    John Vietch

    Micheal Matz

    Al Stall

  3. Frank Whiteley

  4. Not in any order :)

    Bob Baffert

    Carl Nafzger

    Larry Jones

    Micheal Matz

    Barclay Tagg

  5. D. Wayne Lucas

    & Bob Baffert.

  6. 1. Frank Whitely - Ruffian, Forego, Damascus

    2. Charlie Wittingham - Ferdinand

    3. Michael Matz - Showing Up, Barbaro

    4. Barclay Tagg - Funny Cide

    5. Larry Jones - Eight Belles

  7. 1. whittingham

    2. lukas

    3. frankel

    4. mcanally

    5. mandella

  8. Shug McGaughey

  9. (in no particular order)

    1. Eoin Harty

    2.Todd Pletcher

    3. Carl Nafzger

    4. Larry Jones

    5. Barclay Tagg

  10. bart cummings, 11 melbourne cups

    t.j. smith 33 yrs. in a row as top trainer

    freedman bros.

    john hawkes

    rick h**e-lacey

    all aus. trainers

  11. I dont have 5, but D. Wayne Lukas is a good trainer.

    I dont like Bob Baffet, I believe he is more into the job for the money rather than the passion like most trainers

  12. bruce headly  bob baffrt is a snob  i see him at work  he is in it for the money d w lukas is good to bob bean j jerry fanningcharlie whitingham i met him a class act

  13. Not to be disrespectful , to any one here or their picks.

    But I do Know allot about many of them..

    So Besides the little things , & other little things that I know PERSONALLY ABOUT them.

    I will try to be honest .and only think about the way they train ,,

    and care about their horses and are REAL HORSEMAN,,,,

         THEY ARE """NOT IN ODER

    Frank Whiteley == Waya

    Charles Whittingham == to many wins to mention Great with over seas Horses and class horses

    Mr. Stephens -Woody= Great trainer from over seas,, A all time favorite trainer  back east ,, He had Many great horses and also a Horseman

    Jack Vanberg

    Russell John

    Loren Rettele ==Grinzen  

    Ron Mcanally

    Jerkins Allen

    Fanning Jerry

    I know you said five ,, But I rode for many of these Guys and or I admired them from watching them

    I would have about 30 that I worked for and cared for , I have RESPECT FOR SO MANY,,

    Sorry about the long response

  14. i like wayne lucas only

  15. chriss waller.......trainer of tripple honour,

    Francesca Cumani....... trainer of purple moon!

    joe janiak....... trainer of takeover target

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