
Who are your top 10 heavyweights of all time.?

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Who are your top 10 heavyweights of all time.?




  1. 1. Larry Holmes-Would have beaten any heavyweight in the last 40 years

    2. Muhamed Ali- Won the title when he wsn't in his prime and didn't have the obvious advantage

    3. Jack Johnson-Dominated the division during a turbulant time and numerous threats, that can be unsettling

    4.Lennox Lewis=The only heavyweight champ to be the guys who beat him, and has never been out boxed in a match except for his last one.

    5. Marciano- was defeated by colley wallace but the bout was not recorded on his record by error but won 49 straight.

    after that you have forman,frazier,simmons,tunney,patterson but i can't decide where I would ranked them

  2. 1. muhammed ali 2. roberto duran 3. joe frazier 4. mike tyson 5. roy jones junior 6. (sugar) ray rbinson 7. joe louis 8. earnie shavers (acorn head) 9. archie moore 10. jack johnson

    P.S. rocky marciano may be one of the greatest boxers in history but, 1 he wasnt ranked, nad 2. he lost every fight he was ever in until he KO' ed the opponent!

  3. 1. Ali

    2. Louis

    3. Marciano

    4. Holmes

    5. Foreman

    6. Johnson

    7. Frazier

    8. Liston

    9. Lewis

    10. Dempsey

    Tunney, Holyfield, and Charles a step behind

  4. The top 3 are Rocky Marciano, Joe Louis, and Muhammad Ali in any order you want to put them.

    4-10 in no particular order are Larry Holmes, Jack Johnson, Gene Tunney, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Evander Holyfield, and Jack Dempsey

    Gdigger:  Robinson and Duran never fought as heavyweights and Marciano won 6 decisions and dominated most of his fights before knocking out his opponents.  The only fight he was truly losing was his championship fight to Walcott before kayoeing Jersey Joe.

  5. 1)Muhammad Ali: His boxing record and the high level of competition he faced pretty much speak for themselves.

    2)Joe Louis:Joe Louis "The Brown Bomber"--Whenever I think of Joe Louis, I think of power. He was one of those rare punchers that had punching power in both arms. I've seen clips where he's staggered opponents with a jab!! He was a legend in his own time, and one of the most feared yet respected  boxers in history. The most unbelievable fact in Louis' career was that he held his title for over 12 years. I don't think there will be anyone that will ever be so dominant for such a long time as Louis was. His fight against the German Max Schmelling in 1938 was probably one  of the most important bouts in American history. The world was at the brink of war and his defeat of the Schmeling sent Hitler a clear statement that America could stand up and beat the Germans. It also affirmed that African-Americans could do whatever Caucasians could do. His impact on the sport is still felt to this day and he was a pure class act both in and out of the ring.

    3)Jack Johnson:  A man who was once called the "most notorious african american on earth" he fought against many odds during his time and stood up to them like a man, He was the first "modern" heavyweight champion. He did have power and could knock an adversary out if pushed. He held the heavyweight title for almost 7 years without a defeat. Of course, being a black heavyweight champion in America in the early 1900s was a huge challenge to say the least. He had to deal with shady judges and various "great white hopes" who came to challenge him at every turn. His love for white women and taunting white men only exacerbated his problems. He would make life much more difficult for African-American heavyweights who would come after him, as white America did not ever want another Jack Johnson however I cannot help but admire his courage, he basically lifted a middle finger to racism and lived his life as he pleased, it takes a strong man to do that. His ring legacy could not be denied and that is why he makes my list.

    4)Larry Holmes: the only boxer who held the title longer than holmes was joe louis, in his prime holmes was the perfect heavyweight, his technical skills were perfect and his jab is legendary, he defended his title 20 times and came close to reaching marciano's record. He also faced a decent level of competition and still managed to be on top, sadly people remember him as just another one of Tyson's knock out victims (or as one of the last people to beat Ali),but in his prime Holmes was a force to be reckoned with and could very well be in the top three.

    5)Rocky Marciano: this one is a no brainer, his boxing record alone gives him the right to be on this list His 43 knockouts in 49 victories are unbelievable considering that he did fight in an era where there were some decent contenders. His legacy has begun to fade a little as many people feel that he did not have the best competitioon,however that was not his fault, he faced the best available competition and ducked NO ONE and still managed to remain undefeated, this boxer deserves a lot of respect for that.

    6)george foreman: I believe that some people are born to box, foreman is a prime exaple of this,his knock out power was simply not of this world, a vicious slugger who made Joe Frazier (no easy opponent) look like a helpless child, his 76-5 record is extremely impressive, as there will not be another heavyweight with that many victories in our lifetime add to that the fact that he won the title at the age of 45 and you will realize that he is a no brainer for this list.

    7) evander Holyfield: This is a man who came from the cruiserweight division to dominate in the heavyweights,a four time heavyweight champion, this man has given boxing some classic fights, he had a lot of heart and the skills and power to match his accomplishments in the ring are extremely impressive considering the fact that he was often somewhat smaller than his opponents.

    8)Lennox lewis: i do not think he gets enough credit, he has defeated all of his opponents and was one of the last legitimate undisputed champs, he had the perfect combination of skill and power and has won the heavyweight title on three separate occasions, there aren't many people that could survive lennox in the ring.

    9)Jack dempsey: Dempsey was the first big draw,he single handedly took boxing to new heights with his aggressive style and power and his knockouts left many opponents damaged for life. He continued to be a force in boxing even after he retired,with his record of 66 wins and only 6 losses as well as 51 knock out victories he has to be on this list.

    10)Mike Tyson: If I had written this list 20 years ago he would probably be in the top five all time greats with rocky and ali, he was the most feared heavy weight of all time,a boxer whose agressiveness and power were only surpassed by his viciousness, millions of people continue to log in on youtube just to see his knock outs, he had a deadly combination of speed and power and completely redefined the peek a boo style in boxing,for three years he terrorized the heavy weight divison and ruled it with an iron fist, he is in my opinion Cus d'amato's ultimate creation a deadly machine that put the fear of God in his opponents (and for good reason lol) unfortunately he was his own worst enemy and after losing cus d'amato and firing rooney he lost his foundation, however his accomplishments in the ring cannot be ignored and as such he deserves to be on this list

  6. this is MY top 10:

    1. Rocky Marciano (never lost!)

    2. Joe Louis

    3. Evander Holyfield (  the only one to win the heavyweight championship four separate times)

    4. Cassius Clay (that's right, i'm calling him Clay today)

    5. George Foreman

    6. Jack Dempsey

    7. Larry Holmes

    8. Lennox Lewis

    9. Mike Tyson & Joe Frazier (tie)

    10. John L. Sullivan

  7. 1. Evander Holyfield

    2. Muhammad Ali

    3 Joe Louis

    4. John L. Sullivan{Himself]

    5. "Gentleman" Jim Corbet

    6. Rocky Marciano

    7. "Big" George Foreman

    8. Jack Dempsey

    8. Jack Johnson

    9. Lennox Lewis

    10. Larry Holmes

    Why in the world did I rank them this way? A carefully mixed coctail of a 3 point criteria I judiciously weighed out

    1. Ring Achievements

    2. Quality of opposition

    3. Historical Impact

    You could make various arguments that maybe this guy, or that guy could have beaten guy x on that list. That's of course a matter of fun friendly debate. But if they are not on the list, it is because I thought that they did not meet strongly enough the criteria of the "3 point coctail" that I used as my guideline.

    Good Question.

  8. 1. Joe Louis

    2. Muhammad Ali

    3. Rocky Marciano

    4. Larry Holmes

    5. George Foreman

    6. Jack Johnson

    7. Joe Frazier

    8. Gene Tunney

    9. Jack Dempsey

    10. Ezzard Charles

  9. 1 ~ muhammad ali

    2 ~ jack johnson

    2 ~ joe louis (tie)

    4 ~ jack dempsey

    4 ~ rocky marciano

    4 ~ gene tunney (tie)

    7 ~ george foreman

    8 ~ larry holmes

    9 ~ joe frazier

    10~ evander  holyfield

  10. Muhammad Ali  Joe Louis  Joe Frazier  George foreman  Sonny Liston       Rocky Marciano  Jack Dempsey  Evander Holyfield  Larry Holmes       Lennox Lewis  and Tyson if he did not go the way he did . the fighters are not in any order

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