
Who believe in the EVP (Electronical Voice Phenomenon)??

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  1. I do, I have heard it, set up my recorder in a haunted nursing home on several occasions and got evps.

  2. I think the evidence for EVP as being recordings of spirits is very poor in my opinion, so I personally don't.

    The main problem I see with EVPs is that there is a far more likely explanation which fits the data and is natural and scientifically well characterized -- audio pareidolia, the "pattern-matching" that our brains tend to do to find something recognizable in seemingly random data. We expect to hear a word, so we listen and pattern-match until we come up with something -- aha, a word spoken from the beyond! A second problem is the lack of controls on recordings. Elimination of stray sounds, radio interference, etc., is rarely ever confirmed and the recording itself is usually done with a single consumer audio quality recorder which isn't isolated well from handling and mechanical contact noise.

    From a "theory" point of view, there aren't any mechanisms known by which a spirit can impart an electronic recording. They have no physical voice boxes, so why think that a microphone can pick up anything that sounds like a human voice? If they impart their messages by direct manipulation of the tape itself (or of the memory chip in a digital voice recorder), again why would we expect this to sound like a human voice since it is not being produced by a human voice box? And in fact there is nothing but poor evidence for spirits existing in the first place. The "hypothesis" of EVP (I use quotes because it really isn't a scientific hypothesis at all) is already at least a couple layers deep in IF-THEN trees, which is problematic from a scientific point of view.

    So, for these reasons my answer is no, I don't believe EVPs are real recordings of spirits. Below is a link to a pro-paranormal site that takes a refreshingly skeptical look at EVPs. While their underlying assumption is that EVPs may be real, they identify many practical problems with it.

  3. Ok, you freaks out there who claim to have "EVPs" from a "haunted" nursing home (God give me strength- oh S**t, forgot, I am an aetheist!) get it online, or take it to a university who studies (debunks) such material.

    I have radio headphones, If the power supply to the tranmitter is off I can clearly tune in to various sound sources, radio etc, but using your logic I am being principally haunted by the entire cast of Coronation Street

  4. "Believe"????

    If you are trying to ask if I "believe" it can actually capture something from beyond, then yes.

    I also believe in the use of "white noise".

    What exactly are you trying to ask?

  5. I'm kind of 50-50 about it.

    If doing EVP work in a functional household, (where there are TVs, computers, and appliances installed), I'm more skeptical.

    But it it's done in an abandoned building, I'm more likely to think the possibility is higher in probability.

    I've listened to several EVP recordings and very rarely can one distinctly make out what is being said.

    Most of the time it sounds like static, then it's any ones guess.

  6. Definitely.

    I went to a website about EVP might have been that one you linked to (I didn't go there, and after I tell you what happened, maybe you'll understand)  Anyways, I was interested in EVP and I wanted some more information on it, so I went to a website about EVP... I was on the site for a few minutes, looking at a video of supposed captured EVP (it had a story, then it played the sound)... well, I left the site to go to the kitchen.  I came back to my computer, and brought the page back up again.  I was MAYBE on the site for 15 seconds and my television came on by itself.  IT WAS ALL STATIC!  I freaked out and turned it off immediately because I was scared, and I ran out of my room and didn't go back into my room for about 3 days, because the one time I did go back, I got that creepy feeling (not just being scared, but that heavy, chilling feeling you get when there's a spirit nearby).

    My mom tried to say it was a short in the TV, but my TV is really new, so it can't be that.  AND for the 3 days that I didn't go back into my room, the drier at our house kept coming on by itself.  But, whenever I went back into my room, the drier hasn't come on by itself since.  (I kept my tv unplugged for a few weeks after this incident), in short (sorry I rambled, but that experience pretty much made me not doubt EVP at all) YES I think EVP is definitely possible, and I think it does occur.

  7. I do.

  8. Check out a book called "Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife" by Mary Roach

  9. i do

  10. If you sit in a dark room after a while you start to see things that arent there. If you listen to a load of c**p eventually your goping to hear something that isnt there.

    Any link you give me to a website claiming to have real sound footage of it i wont belive becuase i know what sound editing programs are capable of.

  11. I do. I had a recording of my fathers voice (he was alive) when he was not at home show up on a tape while I was composing some music. There seemed to be an exchange of a conversation, although I know I was only talking to myself making brief notes to myself in regards to the music. I still h ave the tape... but no explaination. He was not at home, the cassette was new... but who or what it was is a mystery to me.

    I have heard quite a few EVPs on the web. Most are not  documented as saying the words that I hear them saying. There seems to be discrepancy as to what the message actually is. So much for accuracy even with some real proof. lol. I have a hard time believing the ones that sound as though they are coming out of a tunnel or a shower when there are so many that are clear as a bell and sound normal. I am interested to read t he other answers in response to this question.

  12. I do.

    I get evp's all the time. I have boxes full of them.

    What I enjoy the most is how they interact with our conversations.

    EVP's aren't for everyone. Some people have recorded in their home, they have become very insecure or frighten, now knowing that there is spirits around them. I always suggest, they record else where. You know, till they get comfortable with the idea.

  13. Tr is very long winded and very wrong.  I have a paranormal problem going on in my home.  I have 3 EVPs, clear ones one a didgital voice recorder, and many more on a miniDV.

    No tv, No radio, No neighbours.  EVPs are real, I do throw out the ones that I am not sure of, and my mind and ears are not playing tricks on me.  I start my recordings around 2am,

    and stop around 330am.  I do stay awake and take notes of outside source noises so I can be sure of what I have.

    I have heard recordings of very clear voices saying very clear words and sentances.  Most are from residual hauntings.

  14. There are more things in these universe than we can even imagine. I believe in studying this with an open mind until conclusive proof (either ways) is obtained.

  15. Well it's kind of hard not to when you record yourself and play it back and hear someone else to!

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