
Who believes Mccains VP pick is blatant pandering to "18 millions" cracks?

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i was disgusted personally by this pick. I think its not impossible for the Mccain camp to make the 'inexperience' arguement to Obama when this woman has only been govoner for 2 years. Hes pandering and it makes me sick.




  1. He did not pick her because she is a woman but because she has a record for change, Palin's tenure is noted for her independence from big oil companies, Palin successfully killed the Bridge to Nowhere project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending and she also has a record of cleaning up government.  Yes, she also happens to be a woman.

  2. No, you liberals think that because that is what your guy did when he picked biden. lol

  3. Gender politics at its best. Smart, but devious.

  4. She doesn't have time to be VP, she has too many kids!!

  5. obviously...

    she's a walking cliche

  6. I think she was picked as blantant pandering for people that want some real change in our Gov.

  7. What is the matter little liberal? scared! You better be!

  8. He is trying to appeal to the pro-life nut jobs.  I am not worried, most Americans want a change.

  9. Maybe but she is a good choice regardless..

  10. THANK GOD she's no hitlary, that's WHY that ticket is going to WIN. oooh I should place big time bets in las vegas on this right this very second. sheesh talk about no brainer biggest cash wins of bets of all time! mccain/palin is going to win! mccain/palin is going to win! mccain/palin is going to win!  na na na na na! he he  

  11. I guess Obama wasn't pandering to the Washington insider/special interest block of voters with his V P choice???

  12. this just proves that mccain has no real substance. he is still resorting to tricks instead of trying to win on the real issues. it's obvious that he is grasping at straws here.

  13. This pick makes me sick also. I hope people are smart enough to see through this garbage.  

  14. no the clinton supporters are smarter then that.

  15. Absolutely.  Palin only offers McCain two things:

    -a "chance" at picking up some of the Hillary voters.  (Personally I don't think she will be that effective in doing so. She's the political opposite of Hillary.)  

    -being from Alaska, she is someone who will spout his "Drill Here, Drill Now" mantra and make a "case" for offshore drilling. (which, according to McCain, will have mostly "psychological benefits").

    McCain thinks Americans are stupid.  He thinks Hillary's supporters will get behind Palin solely because she is a woman and he thinks that american people will fall for Domestic drilling as the solution to our oil problems.  

  16. Those 18 million cracks just fell as shards of jagged glass on Hillary's chances for 2012.

  17. No he picked her for her foreign and millitary, and economic  experience.      Being  A hockey mom and a 2 year govenor of  state will less then 1 million people.  And a budget that is full of oil wealth, really makes her qualified.

    Of course it is for the i "want a woman president voters".

  18. Yes and its going to back fire she is no hillary clinton

  19. The same could be said about Obama's blatant slam of 18 million by not even vetting Clinton.

  20. Ya, he pretty much messed everything up with this one.  We can forget about it.  I guess they can. See what he did.

  21. yep,he's pandering to women and hillary clinton's female voters

    mccain panders when he gives speeches, when he votes,and now with his vp pick

  22. My thoughts exactly.

    Well, at least he can criticize Obama for his  inexperience anymore.

    Maybe Obama can paint him as hypocritical.

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