
Who believes global warming is real and we should do something to stop it?

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A couple months ago I asked a different question, but global warming had to do with it. Practically every answer said that my friend was right and global warming was made up to scare us. Now I see a bunch of questions on global warming and how it's scary and blah blah. Just wondering anyone has changed their minds? Particularly in the last few months? Thanks for answering.




  1. I like to learn about climate change as global warming is not going to happen because the earth cools and warms over time. Climate change is a man-made event. we have put stuff in the atmosphere for thousands of years. But like the river-it died off and we had to clean it up; like the lakes, we had to clean them up; like the land we have to clean it up; the the ocean, we have to clean it up; like the atmosphere we have to clean it up. Humans have cut down half the trees, destroyed half the wetland and are living and growing food on half the grasslands, but these once were natures way of cleaning up the earth and stabilizing the climates. To learn more g to

  2. This same question keeps getting asked over and over and over again.  Yes, global warming is real, but are we causing it, or is it a natural cycle?  True, we are putting a lot of greenhouse gases in to the atmosphere, especially CO2.  I am a skeptic as to the wether or not we are causing global warming, but if it is caused by us, can we afford to ignore it.  

    Ultimately, we are dealing with natural processes, and nature has a way of balancing itself out.  More CO2 means we need more plants to take the CO2 from the air and turn it into oxygen.  If we do nothing, nature will ultimately reduce our population through disease and hunger.  With a reduced human population comes less pollution and CO2 emmissions.

    By my estimates 80% of the world population would need need to parish for nature to achieve equilibrium on its owns, but nature would probably overshoot that leaving about 5-10% of the population. as survivors to rebuild.  All we have to do to avoid this is reduce carbon emmisions and start living more efficiently by continuing to develope and implement our alternative energies.  

    Our use of fossile fuels needs to drop down to near zero, and we need to discover ways to control our atmospheric composition through scrubbing it.

  3. In the words of Margaret Mead  "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has."

  4. Most people who deny global climate change (aka global warming) either don't quote a source for their facts or the source is biased (related to political, oil-industry, religious, etc interest groups) or very limited (e.g. kelloggdental citing one person - Dennis Avery - who I have never even heard of!).

    Worse still, many deniers refuse to accept evidence under their noses - Obamanation; please look at the IPCC released 2007 report ( that presents all the evidence you need.

    The IPCC is an international, non-partisan, non-political, UN group made of the world's best and most experienced climatologists. The IPCC won the Nobel Peace Prize for this report. They have been studying climate change for decades. They are not related to oil companies or any other interest groups - "just the facts"!

    Their report is clear: "warming of the climate system is unequivocal" and that this global warming is (90% certainty or more) caused by humans...

    Given that amount of scientific evidence, fact, and the evidence of my own senses over the years, I have to say that global warming is not only real but that it simply makes no sense to say otherwise - For example, why would the EU and the UK commit to spending huge amounts of money (hundreds of billions of dollars) to offset the effects of something that isn't real?

  5. i dnt b live in global warming  but i kno dat we shud protect da earth- no littering and polution into the air nd it will hav other effects but not warming....

  6. Global warming is as real as global cooling. It is only natures way of keeping balance. Cold is more detrimental to living organisms than heat. There is nothing we can do to stop it and if there was we SHOULDN'T. Let nature take her course and yes- less pollution!

  7. I have not changed my mind on the global warming hoax. Nothing that I have heard from anyone is even phasing me now. Its like the old fable, “The boy that cried wolf”, now even if real evidence was to prove it, I would not believe it.

  8. Yes, Global Warming is very real. It's both natural and it's caused by us. You should check out it's a great sight. It tells you the fluctuations in heat and ice.

  9. I think its real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if it is something made up to scare us, its made up for a good reason: to stop polluting our planet!!!!!!!!


  10. Globoal warming is real, and I think that it is because Humans are the most selfish, dumb, idiotic animals ever made, and all humans should be put to death (I know... ALL humans. Even myself). Most humans arn't exactly helping the earth, only hurting it so all the other animals have to live in pain and agony.

  11. Is the Earth getting warmer? Probably. If not, we would still be in the Ice Age.

    Do humans have anything to do with the warming of the Earth? NO, we do not.

    Are there "junk Scientists" out there running around like "Chicken Little", "the Earth is warming(repeat)!!????? Yes, there are, AND their families are probably embarrassed.

    Is the whole "Global Warming" fear-mongering, a huge scam? Yes, for the most part, it is.

  12. I still have not been shown any evidence which convinces me that man has anything to do with it.  If anything it has been the opposite.

  13. The Facts Don't Lie:

    The Hottest 20 Years in the History of the Planet Earth

    (19 out of 20 in the last 25 years)


    1 2005

    2 1998

    3 2002

    4 2003

    5 2004

    6 2001

    7 1997

    8 1990

    9 1995

    10 1999

    11 2000

    12 1991

    13 1987

    14 1988

    15 1994

    16 1983

    17 1996

    18 1944

    19 1989

    20 1993

  14. It's real

  15. Richard, actually that's not true--it's more media/government propaganda.  Isn't it strange how NASA's admitted "mistake" doesn't make mainstream news so that most people still believe the "mistake" (or lie)?  Once again, this AGW scheme doesn't reduce pollution, it actually increases pollution (for those who pollute the most)--while everyone else has to conserve, pay higher prices and more taxes, and do with less.

    "With the new rankings, four of the 10 warmest years in the United States occurred in the 1930s."

  16. Dennis Avery writes that global warming is an unstoppable 1500 year cycle.  He has good science to show this.  He believes that sun spots are more important indicators of climate change.  Right now he says that we are actually going into a cooling phase.

    Al Gore, on the other hand, leads a group of junkscience people who have developed and industry around "global warming" telling lies and half truths about climate change  Al Gore has set up a company around this which should make him a billionare  in a short period of time.

    The self interests who are profiting on the issue of climate change are obstructing the very real issues of man and his relationship to earth.  Do we want air in our cities like Mexico City, Beijing, Tokyo?  Do we want to continue to transfer our wealth to countries like Nigeria, Saudi Arabia,Venezuela ?  Do we want our oceans polluted with non degradable waste.  Do we want central African nations to continue to be some of the worst places to live.  Lets put our time and resources into figuring out the real issues and let Al Gore continue to be a poster boy for big SUVs that have "Fight Global Warming" stickers on the bumper


  17. You can't stop a fairytale... they're fake. Unfortunately there are brainwashed people out there who believe it and expect everybody else to go along with their fairytale of GW. Its sad really, I feel sorry for them.

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