
Who believes in Bigfoot or the Sasquatch?

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I am well aware this question has been posted before. As you may know, the Sasquatch is reported being sighted in British Columbia, Ontario or Quebec, and the Bigfoot in California. Does anyone belive in both or either of these? (Also, I heard they found some evidence of the Sasquatch recently. Anyone heard 'bout this?)




  1. i believe there are a lot of woods out there.if they can loose a plane by all means something could be hiding from us.i lived on guam in the seventies and they found a japanese soldier that had been hiding out and that island is only 30 by 40 miles long.wouldnt surprise me if it didnt turn out to be wild indians playin tricks

  2. i believe in it, theres a  hairyman, that runs around my old hometown, Kempsey, like bigfoot.

  3. I don't believe in Bigfoot or the Sasquatch because there are so many people claiming to have seen it with photos and pictures.  I live in the states and it was on the news a couple of days ago that these two men said to have found Bigfoot but the truth was that they created a fake Bigfoot body that was actually a customized hairy costume.

  4. whoever lies and says they seen evidence is just a Dumbass trying to get attention...

  5. I do.  They are the same thing however.  They are commonly reported from Northern California to Southwest Alaska and less commonly to the East Coast and southern swamps.  They have found lots of evidence.  They did get some hair and degraded blood from a supposed Sasquatch northwest of Toronto in a fishing village.  Apparently it put its foot on a nailed board.  For those that are familiar, there is truly a mountain of evidence.  There are also lots of frauds such as the recent so called body.  

  6. I believe anything is possible.

    Even the paranormal and just simply the unexplained.

    So yea I could say that I think it is a definite possibility.

  7. OMG NO!! they are not real. Its and Urban Legend that has been past down for generation to generation for years  

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