
Who believes in Charles Darwin's scientific theory of evolution of the human race?

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I believe in Charles Darwin's scientific theory of evolution of the human race, not Adam and Eve myth.




  1. Those who ever sees the mirror for a long time and observe  their reflections.

  2. Ahhh, SkyWitch ,

    Do you really want to wander into one of today’s most heated arguments? I say argument since a debate has rules of civility, among others, not present in this particular argument.

    The teachers speak of Darwin because it is science. They most likely try to avoid the Adam and Eve story since it is fantasy and has no place in a discussion of science. Science requires proofs and fantasy does not. Therefore you are not asked to accept science on faith (a “reasoning” process asking the believer to accept ideas not proven); this would be unacceptable to science.

    You will find, upon your continued efforts to understand, that the term theory has very specific requirements. I will allow you the pleasure of discovery in this quest but one hint is: theory is very much NOT the same as opinion. Look it up and be informed. Half the fun of gaining knowledge is the discovery of it; you must then take care about when and to whom you choose to share this new found knowledge.

    Good luck. I’d guess that you are on the way to discovery!

  3. Yes, of course I do. Is there really any one left, considering the level of average education in the world today, who rejects this clear fact?

  4. then who came first the chicken or the egg.  prove it

  5. When everything is taken into consideration it seem to me  that there is no contradiction at all between evolution and creation. Evolution says how it is possible or perhaps probable and creation only says who did it, And that was God.

  6. At the moment it is the best fit for the facts as we know them.

  7. I find it rather odd that you would believe evolution is real and yet say Adam and Eve are a myth...what proof do you have that evolution is real? Even Darwin doubted his own theory. Someone brought up an interesting question to me: if evolution is real, why are there still monkeys? Wouldn't they all be humans by now? You have a right to believe whatever you want to, but at least have a reason why you believe what you believe.

  8. yes i believe it!

  9. Me too believe in Darwin's scientific theory not that baseless Adam n Eve myth.

  10. Evolution is a lie and they now teach a 2nd falsehood... with some type of EVO DNA scam. Whats amazing is that people think scientific facts are given by Ken Miller. They get on here and say things like he has "Tons of Proof" or whatever. No its just double talk and Illicit conclusions based on lies and want evolutionists want to believe. If you read up on evolution youll see what they really admit too that you wont hear often. Like the fact there are no transitional fossils. And claiming that all are transitional is a lie. Just empty claims with no proof period. Please people if ther were any missing links found it would be known. HUMAN DNA is "keyed" not like monkey DNA.


  12. You are being simplistic.  No one is asking you to believe in Darwin.  He advanced a theory based on considerable research of his own and others.  It is not a religious concept that you have to believe it as you would believe Biblical passages.

  13. I do as well.

  14. Was that a question, or a polemic?

  15. 1)  The Theory of Evolution encompasses all living things - not just humans.

    2)  The science of evolution has come a long way since 1859 (when Darwin first published).  He didn't even KNOW about genes or DNA.  Every biological discovery since his time has supported the Theory of Evolution.  There IS no modern biology without evolution.

  16. Those that don't believe in evolution make a good argument for retro-active abortion.  I'm near 70 yrs old & cannot believe we raised such a generation of mental incompetents as to believe the myth of creation.  People my age, that I know, have sense enough to see through the myth of creation. Where'd all these fools come from?

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