
Who believes in paranormal and the unexplained?

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UFOs, Aliens, Orbs, El Chupacabra, Poltergeists, Out of Body Experiences, Loch Ness, Mermaids, all, and more are phenomenal. Do you believe in any or other things I haven't mentioned here? If so, why? Have you had a personal experience?

Please tell, I'm eager to know!




  1. Apparently you do,and there are plenty more.I don't,mostly because it's silly.

  2. Yes i'm a believer and have had a few experiences. I'll give you a quick one. When my Wife was dieing i was driving down a country road looking for a house and that was all that was on my mind at the time. All at once every thing seemed to suddenly get brighter and as clear a voice as you could ever imagine said to me "she's going to be OK".It shook me up because i thought darn i hope i'm not imagining it and went on about my buissiness. Well my Wife passed away and it was later that it all became understandable to me. And that was she was OK where she is and no more pain........

  3. I firmly believe in the paranormal and in all things unexplained, becuase I've had so many of those types of things happen to me when I was growing up and paranormal and unexplained things still continue to happen to me to this day.

  4. not me, all a bunch of hooey

  5. I believe in spirits.. ghosts if you wanna call them that. I think big foot is real. I dont believe in aliens.

  6. i believe in all that stuff and i find it fascinating. but either you believe in it or not, people always end up being judged as the fool whether they experienced that kind of stuff or not. i have believed in that stuff since i was very very very young. i even had an experience with a ghost about one or two years ago when i was visiting gettysburg, pa's abandoned orphanage. i was trying to take a picture when my camera flash showed a little african american orphan boy about 5-8 years old standing right next to me, reaching towards me like he wanted help. i saw him at the corner of my eye but the people who were around me saw him and told me the rest i didnt know. i got soo scared that i felt like i couldnt breathe either. a few of my friends' houses are haunted as well cuz i was in my friend's house and some freaking things happened.

    now i believe in all of the kinds of supernatural, paranormal and unexplained. if someone proves to me that something isnt real, i dont care cuz i believe they are real. i have always felt that people are watching over me and when i'm alone, i hear people talking to me. i dont know who they are and when i hear them it doesnt sound like what i heard someone say earlier in my life or anything. people i know say im paranoid but idk. it all just feels real to me.

  7. OF COURSE!! I have had personal expiriences like TONS of them I will give you a link to one of my answers.;...

    Ailiens I find it hard to believe but I guess anything is possible, if ghosts why not ailiens. My family claims to have seen a UFO. We were taking a ride and my mom looks up and says Look a UFO. It was spinning and had blinking lights on it. I don't know.

    Orbs. YES! I seen a bunch of MY pictures from camp with orbs on them. They were in the cole mine [ where the house keeper does not go anymore because she says its haunted] All the orbs were around the statues of the workers. I lost the disc so I can't upload them. Sorry I would though!!

    El Chupacabra- It seems impossible so I just think it is an animal. I need to see it to beleive it that is the type of person I am. Have to see it to believe it!! I think it is an animal

    Poltergeists- Yes. They're spirits. I think they can be formed by negative energies. Doesn't mean they're bad spirits but they just form like that.

    Out Of Body Experiences- My brother talks about it a lot but I am undecided of that. Sylvia Browne talks about them a lot and I hear a lot about it but I don't now.

    Loch Ness [ Nessie] - I don't know. It could just be a very large sea animal I don't believe monster exist but I am 13 I don't know a lot about this. But I see photos [ most of them fake] and it just doesn't get me. Again need to see it to believe it.

    Mermaids- I seen something about them on t.v. and they had like mermaids or whatever swimming around in the tanks. I don' know. Maybe maybe not. I just don't see how people can be part fish part human. When I see a mermaid/ merman floating around in my pool we'll talk :))

    Big Foot- Hoax. That is what I think. You never know.

    Witches- I believe there are people who practice witchcraft and voodoo but not like Sabrina The Teenage Witch type where chickens come out of your fingers or anything.

  8. I can't say i believe in everything. Or that things are what we think they are. But I do believe that as humans there are so many things that we cannot understand or see or comprehend. Even as a religious person I feel that if you completely rule out anything that somebody says is a ghost or something as somebody's immagination you rule out any chance of there being things like angels or demons or even God for that matter. It might not be the spirits of dead people but there is SOMETHING going on in some places that can't be ignored.  The house i used to live in was "haunted". Im not going to go saying it was a person, but there was something going on there that no matter what we did we could not explain it. I have also had instances where I have been knocked down and then felt an intense pressure on my chest and a mark like somebody had punched me when I was exploring an old asylum here.

    When it comes to animals, there are so many places in the world that people have not been to and explored and chances are there could be animals that we dont understand and rarely see. If you are at all Christian or Jewish and you believe in the whole Noah's Ark thing...around 50% of the animals that lived at that time are now not seen anywhere.  Even if you don't believe in that religious basis, you can't deny that there are places people have not been and enough of the world for there to be animals that people have not seen! It happens all the time, maybe with small not that weird animals, but there is always a chance for other ones that are more...mysterious.

    As far as UFOs.  The government has technology that is more than 10 years ahead of where we think we are. So i think that they have something to do with that. I really dont think that there are little green(or grey, if they eat liver according to X-Files) men or whatever they are that fly around and study humans and abduct them.

    I completely believe there are things going on and around us that we don't know about and we can't explain. I may not believe they are what many people believe them to be but there are obviously things that happen and there is no way everything is imagination.

    It's like when people would experience things like natural disasteres and diseases and contribute them to spirits and gods being mad because they did not understand how it worked. I think that when it comes to things like the paranormal it is a lot of the same things. There is SOMETHING there, we just don't know what it is.

  9. I believe in after death communication

    . I don't believe in Alien abductions but other beings outside earth are possible, I have seen orbs they are spirits, noisier ghosts (poltergeists are possible, out of body experiences are possoible, don't believe in the lock nest monster nor mermainds. THere are lots of things that are difficult to explain.

  10. Ghost/spirits/poltergeists: yes. many of my family and relatives have experienced or encounter a spirit at one point in their life. My parents told me I encountered one when I was little, I guess I was too young to remember.

    ufo/aliens/extraterrestrial life: yes.

    loch ness monster/mermaids: no.

  11. Out-of-body experiences, ghosts and Bigfoot are as far as I'll go. Everything else is too far-fetched for my sensibilities. I have seen ghosts and had one OBE. Bigfoot is a hobby with no proof, but interesting and probable. As an amateur astronomer I've had hundreds of chances to see a UFO, with no success. Everything else, from Atlantis to exo-Zoology (aliens from space), is nada.

  12. I believe in the unexplained.  I also believe in the power of science to explain it.

    I don't believe in magic.  If you do, you're a fool.

  13. I base my beliefs on both my personal experience and evidence.  I have experienced nothing paranormal and there is no evidence in support of it.

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