
Who believes in paranormal ghost stuff? and if so why? have your seen a ghost before?

by  |  earlier

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im doing some research and it would be verrryyy helpful to see what people think





  1. Well to start off paranormal isn't just one thing.

    It is a series of pseudo sciences.

    Assuming your research topic is ghosts then I do in fact have a ghost story.

    As  it would seem I was in my dead grandparents old house.

    I woke up in the middle of the night to hear someone sleeping in bed with me.

    Rather annoyed I rolled over to tell them to beat it only to realize that there was no one there.

    Obviously I was dreaming but when I rolled back I heard breathing again and rolled over for a second time. This happened one more time until i decided it was imagination.

    That's when I felt a pressure, like an arm wrapping around me as if to snuggle it got heavier and I felt breathing on my neck.

    I slept the rest of the night on the couch that night.

  2. I do because i've experienced it first hand, not just mist but actual objects moving and being misplaced. I began to do research when I had a demon/evil spirit in my house, and I used the site because they had a lot of unbiased research. While I don't expect anyone to believe me, I know that I myself have encountered paranormal things and that is enough for me.

  3. yes.  sure.  why not?  there is so much more to life than that which can be seen. Even the disbelievers must acknowlege things like thinking, emotions and dreams.  they cannot be measured in atoms and molecules. so why not ghosts?

  4. No, I don't believe in paranormal ghost stuff.

    I've never seen a ghost and have no reason to think that I ever will.

    Although lots pf people claim to have seen ghosts there is no concrete evidence to prove their existence and I believe people are simply misinterpreting what they see.

  5. These are my experiences....

    Paranormal ghost stuff....yes

    Paranormal God, spirits, spirit guides, angels...yes yes yes

    Why ....if you see, hear, communicate, since age four, I would say that's a good reason to believe:)

  6. My cat came from Roswell, New Mexico, and he has a very strange meow, more of a cry, or sometimes is sounds like a human scream. I sometimes think he might have been influenced by aliens, but that's just my imagination.

    I also took a picture from one of those kid self-developing cameras, I forget what their called. And when I took it, it was outside, with my best friend in my lawn, I let the picture develop, and there was a orange/blue/green blob right beside my friend. I was creeeeeeeped out!!

    That's really all of my paranormal experiences, but I am not a true believer.

  7. I don't, but I'm really fascinated by all the potential psychology behind why people see ghosts.  Why do rooms have certain "vibes" that scare people?  How do perceptual errors like apophenia add up to make us see and hear more than what's actually there?  Why do we feel like we're being watched sometimes?  How and why did all of these traits evolve in the first place?

    Someday I'd like to stay in a famous haunted house that a lot of people are scared of and investigate what might be going on.  I'd also like to do an experiment where I'd take "psychics" and normal people to a house that's never been reported as haunted, tell them it is haunted, and see what they come up with.


    I do have a recording of the whole segment...

  9. I don't believe nor have I seen a ghost but I would like to.

  10. I believe in ghosts. I've never personally seen one, but I know people who've had weird stuff happen to them, and there are way too many published stories for it all to be fake.

  11. I do... I've seen much of it and felt it wth my own skin, fully concious and aware.  Just n the last 1 year has this started going on with me.  Lately I am really lookng into this whole EVP thing, because every day and night I am in this house, these spirits come to me and touch me.. they hug me and hold my hand, they are very kind.  I am just as kind back to them, and make it a point to be there for them, and open.  I figure they must have people still here that they love or they wouldn't be hanging on, and if  I can help them in any way I will... I have seen a ghost before.  Go to and log into the photo tab and see photos of me tonight on top.  These are spirits, you can barely see but they are there.

  12. As a Paranormal Examiner for 28 years, I have captured Evidence that proves the existence of Ghosts....both Active and Residual.

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