
Who believes in predestination?

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We experience time as a forward flowing current. This is possible because we have a memory. The past is something static to us. Something that has already been written.

If you believe in "cause and consequence" (and since the past is already written, and therefore has already given the factors that influence the present and the future) do you believe that the future is also static and already written?

Are our lives written books that we are currently reading ourselves?




  1. I feel we chose our lives with full knowledge of what the maximum potential of that person is....even if life does't go that way, what happens before is the "best possible scenario".

  2. Question : Who believes in predestination ?

    Answer : People who believe in predestination.

  3. not me. if life was a written book, we would all jump to the last page - wicked...

  4. I hate to say, but yes, although that is a really fatalistic philosophy to believe in.  I think that negative people out there, me included, believe in predestination, because of our bad luck.  However, my supervisor, who is the most positive woman alive, believes that everything that happens to you, happens for a reason, which I guess could be another category of predestiny?  I think you can change your destiny, if you quit being so negative and change your ways, i.e., say you have no luck meeting Mr. or Ms. Right, then you should lower your standards regarding Ms. or Mr. Wright being absolutely perfect.  That is negative way of thinking, too, in a way?  Gosh, so confusing.  You can change your destiny by self betterment, i.e., losing weight, a change in your hairstyle to improve your looks, a change in dress attire to make your best features come out, etc.  If you are tired of your job, do something about it.  I'm single & one of my friends once said that maybe my destiny was to love and save animals, which I do, rather than finding Mr. Right.  I hate to think you can't have both.  I believe 60% is destiny ruling your life, sometimes even 70%, I guess is my bottom answer.  Hope this didn't confuse you.

  5. I do.But not in the specious way you define it.

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