
Who believes most in the paranormal and supernatural?

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Men or women? Or is it 50/50? If you think there is a difference between the genders.... why is it so?




  1. Men, including me ...mystery...

  2. I'm guessing women,at least in NJ.All of the roadside psychics are women(they're not believers of course).Mostly their clients are woman.There are seances and psychic parties thrown like wedding showers.The good news,the gap is closing.My daughter is in school and most of the top students are girls.It's been that way for awhile.It wasn't when I went to school.

    An education in math and science will definitely move folks away from the supernatural.

    Ironically,women have been and are victims of the supernatural more then men.

  3. I belong to a third category that is neither male or female.  All of me believes in the stupid stuff.

  4. 55/45 because in general women are smarter than men, and in general, if you believe in paranormal generally you are inellectually inferior to a non believer

  5. It seems to me that more women than men believe that they themselves have paranormal abilities, such as being mediums, "sensitives", "empaths", etc. I'm not sure why except that I think these so-called abilities seem to be emotionally charged and women tend to be more outwardly emotional than men.

  6. 50/50 I would say depending on which one i think that men believe more in alien abduction and women believe more in ghosts and witchcraft, but that is just my opinion.  

    I believe that some things in life cannot be explained by people or technology or scientists.

  7. It's usually much more women than men, I'm sorry to say.  People have speculated it's because women are told to trust their feelings and intuition more, you know, 'women's intuition' and 'mothers intuition'.  I guess we just tend to fall for that c**p more often, and people are more likely to humor women about that stuff than men.  Really, imagine being at a dinner party and someone starts going on about the fairies in their bathtub.  What would your reaction be, and how would it be different if it were a man vs. a woman?

  8. Maybe women the most because the womens magazines promote all kinds of BS.

  9. Hard to tell. I suppose it's 50/50, but I don't know many folks of either gender who've had experiences. Since I was a teen ager I've been fascinated by unusual events, facts, trivia--Charles Fort , Edgar Cayce and Frank Edwards are my heroes in that regard. I'm still a skeptic, though. Never thought anything paranormal would come my way. When it does, it is truly a mind-blower.

  10. 50/

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