
Who believes that the average American will be crying "Don't tax me, bro'!" if The Golden Child is elected?

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Who believes that the average American will be crying "Don't tax me, bro'!" if The Golden Child is elected?




  1. I think the average American will have less and less of a voice until speaking out against the Golden child's policy becomes a crime punishable by law. We would be expected to work as slaves allowing him to spend our money more "responsibly" than we know how and bend over and say, "Thank you sir, you are our savior." s***w that.

  2. This will only be the cry of the rich. Just think were all your tax dollars are going now, mostly Iraq. We are spending money on little else in this country.

    Obama 08

  3. Good one.

    iamct01: No they will still buy the island but they will stop investing in the company you work for and you will end up unemployed.


    My taxes will go up by 400% and I am the middle Class.

  5. On the contrary, if the BORROW and SPEND Bush/McSame/neocons remain in office the tax burden for us and our children will be astronomical.

    You cannot keep borrowing from the Chinese, increasing the national debt and increasing our interest carry forever.  Soon or later, you have to pay back what you borrowed.

    Bush/McSame have repudiated traditional Republican values by following the BORROW and SPEND philosophy.  Be prepared to pay if you continue to vote Republican.

  6. The average American will be saying "can I get a job bro" when Obama over taxes the wealthy and companies and they just decide to leave.

  7. No not the average American but the top 5% will have to hold off on buying that island.

  8. HaHaHa...good one!

  9. I does, I does.


  10. He will take from everyone to fund wrights church and Kenya.

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